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I'm being charged, even though I cancelled my plan.

I'm being charged, even though I cancelled my plan.

New member | Level 2

I’m still being charged every month even though I cancelled my subscription in January 2024. I can’t find a customer support email or phone number to contact someone to get these charges stopped.

3 Replies 3

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Ja988545, let's see what we can find together about this! 


May I reach out to the email address associated with your Community's profile here so we can have a further look into this with all of my tools available?


In the meantime, have you been able to identify the email addresses that are associated with those charges by using our self served look-up tool


Let me know!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2
I’m having the same problem. I don’t use this and have tried to cancel, but the only way is to drop to basic Which is not free. I’m being charged $118 a year for something I don’t want and don’t use.
Please assist in removing my account and stop these charges.

Super User II

@Susan67 wrote:
... the only way is to drop to basic Which is not free.

Basic accounts are free. When you cancel a subscription you're cancelling the automatic renewal. At the end of your current billing period, your account is downgraded back to a Basic account.

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