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Some people deal with confidential files and use Dropbox for these. It would be very useful to allow people the option to clear their "Recent" files at will to allow more privacy and discretion.
7 years agoNew member | Level 2
I know there was a thread about this two years ago, but has this been changed since then? Is there any way to clear recently viewed files from the home page?
- Walter7 years agoDropbox Staff
Hey there Scott - hope all's well at your end.
As per your inquiry now, if you are referring to the website version just find the recents section and click on the "Hide" button from the right hand side.
On the mobile application it is possible to hide the Recents list by going to
- Settings
- Advanced features
- Hide recent items on Home
I hope this helps scottgreider!
[EDIT: Since I seem to have missed your original question, I am adding this here Scott (apologies). It is currently not possible to clear items in the Recents list. I'll make sure that your comments are passed along to the development team as a feature request - thank you for the feedback!]
- Karthik-v6 years agoNew member | Level 2Hi, is there any update on adding the feature to clear recent list/items
- _Marvin_5 years agoNew member | Level 2
This feature is oxymornig, it is useless.
I am specifically talking about the iOS or mobile app.
You have to go into account > settings and then select "Hide Recent"
But then you go to Recent tab and it says: "Recent items Hidden" and below it "Click here to unhind"
WHAT is the use of this. Why would I want to hide files and then give people the key to unhide it in the same place where the files used to be! Not only is it completely useless, it is dumb because it grabs a users attention! You might as well drop a line that says:
"Hey someone doesn't want you to see their recently viewed files! Wanna check what they're hiding ? Click here to unhide"I find this to be a design mockery !
Thank you.
- Jeremy M.105 years agoHelpful | Level 6
Yeah, "recent items" in all it's incarnations is both useless and is a potential privacy leak. At least Windows allows you to turn off recent items and delete that history. Unfortunately all the major cloud systems seem to have this "persistent recent items" crap, or they did the last time I looked into it. Extremely frustrating because it *cannot* be that hard to wipe the history or to simply not record it in the first place.
- Mike S.255 years agoHelpful | Level 6Why can’t you program so we have the option to clear our recents file with out deleting the file
- Steven J.134 years agoExplorer | Level 4
Yeah it's bewildering that they cannot give us the option to clear... or turn it off. I just posted and didn't see this thread. I mean come on! If i was only accessing 'kid friendly' content then, sure why not, but people all around access personal, sensitive information all the time and don't want it "splash screened" as the first thing!
- Steven J.134 years agoExplorer | Level 4
It's bewildering, that there isn't an option to do this and it's because it has been asked time and time again. It has been requested multiple times and through years and it seems like a very simple thing to do.
Having a "Recent Files" is helpful for some but not others. People access personal, sensitive information on their Dropbox and maybe do not want that displayed on the first screen. It seems you're following the path of Google as well because it is hard to turn off Recents there. I'm not sure why you wouldn't include it as a feature.
Yes, I get the argument, it's easier for teams to work with "Recent Files" on, but let's be honest, not everyone is working in teams and people have personal use cases for Dropbox. I don't like my financial scans and statements popping up on the Recent screens and I'll be honest, I don't want "kid unfriendly" content out on the splash screen either.
So you really need a way to turn this off. Or are you going to say use Vault and mark the issue as solved?
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