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    • Cata123's avatar
      New member | Level 2
      I don't use the account often and I don't wanted the Pro version neither.... and they charged me 750.
      I just wanted to try the free version.
      Can I get this back? I wanna know what to do!!!! They charged me the 750 dollar today. I can't pay it.
      • Brian4's avatar
        Helpful | Level 6

        Talk to your bank.  My bank is crediting the money back to my account.  It was that easy.  

  • Rob F.15's avatar
    Rob F.15
    New member | Level 1

    When I follow your link I see it costs $12.50/mo. How do you calculate the $750?

  • Rich's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    $12.50 per month, per user, minimum 5 users. $12.50 x 5 = $62.50 x 12 = $750.

    • dmandhoney's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      This is theft!!!! me (and so many other people online) had no idea that this is the cost! you MUST tell us the price we are paying!!! this is theft and I will not give up until I meet you in court. You stole 750$ from me, for nothing.

      [This thread is now closed by moderators due to inactivity. If you're experiencing a similar behavior, feel free to start a new discussion in the Find Answers section here. ]
  • They charged me too. By the time I realize it was already past the 14 day cancelation time. They're using their terms of service to commit outright theft. I didn't even know that was legal. My friend told me to sign up for the free trial version , I used it once, I didn't think I was going to get robbed. I will never be using dropbox again and I will be telling everyone my experience. I will also be telling everyone to switch to Google drive and outlook drive.
  • Brian4's avatar
    Helpful | Level 6

    FTC complaints

    Or https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov


    I made the horrible mistake of thinking Dropbox is a respectable honest business.  When you sign up for a business acount the webpage option reads. 

    / user / month, starting at 5 users

    2 TB of space for secure storage with easy-to-use sharing and collaboration tools

    It does not say a minimum of 5 users and that you will be billed for each user.  Instead they make it sound like they are giving you 5 user 

    accounts for $15 dollars a month.  I unfortionately suffered a $750 dollar charge,  what a mistake I made thinking Dropbox was a reputable business.  I could have used that money to support my family and pay bills to companies that actually provide a service I need.  You would have to be a lawyer to figure what terms of service you are signing up for.  This is a very unethical business tactic they are using.  I wonder how many have suffered the same fate.  And they provide no help or customer service.  Instead I feel like they just rub it in your face.  The only reason I signed up for the business account was that a client could not preview my video I tried to share through my free account.  After signing my life away for a business account I still had the same issue.  I have yet to prove the service even works.  I used it once and it got me in this mess.  I feel I learned a lesson here.  This gives more meaning to the term cloud storage, I thought I was paying $15 and just like a cloud POOF $750 gone forever. 


    I guess I did not  change the number of users from 5, so I did not see that I signed up for a 5-user account, and the exact pricing for such an account is listed as $750.  You actullay have to unselect this or I guess you automatically choose $750 without seeing what you are paying for.  I never saw any amount of $750 dollars.  If so why would I buy it?  It seems as though the free acount allows people can see the content that you share no different from the payed account.  


    From the front page 

    • Standard

      $15/ user / month, starting at 5 users

      2 TB of space for secure storage with easy-to-use sharing and collaboration tools

      • 2 TB (2048 GB) of space
      • 120 days of file recovery
      • Smart Sync
      • Dropbox Paper admin controls
      • Granular permissions
      • User management
      • Active directory connector
      • API access for data transport
      • Require two-factor authentication (2FA)
      • Unlimited API access to platform partners
      • Enables HIPAA compliance




        $25/ user / month, starting at 5 users

        As much space as you need with sophisticated admin, audit, and integration features

        • Everything in Standard
        • As much space as needed
        • Advanced admin controls
        • Tiered admin roles
        • Audit logs with file event tracking
        • Invite enforcement
        • Single sign on (SSO) integration
        • Device approvals
        • Business hours phone support
        • Enhanced monitoring and reporting tools



        Contact us

        Customizable solutions with individualized support to help admins manage at scale

      • 2 TB (2048 GB) of space
      • 120 days of file recovery
      • Smart Sync
      • Dropbox Paper admin controls
      • Granular permissions
      • User management
      • Active directory connector
      • API access for data transport
      • Require two-factor authentication (2FA)
      • Unlimited API access to platform partners
      • Enables HIPAA compliance
      • Everything in Standard
      • As much space as needed
      • Advanced admin controls
      • Tiered admin roles
      • Audit logs with file event tracking
      • Invite enforcement
      • Single sign on (SSO) integration
      • Device approvals
      • Business hours phone support
      • Enhanced monitoring and reporting tools



        Frequently asked questions

    • What is a Dropbox Business user?

      A user is any person or role on your team with a unique email address. Each team member should have his or her own user license. Users can link their Dropbox accounts to as many of their devices as they’d like (PCs, phones, tablets, etc.) at no additional charge.



      Can I have fewer than 5 users on my account?

      Yes. The Dropbox Business base package includes 5 users, but you don’t need to use all the licenses right away. Since licenses can be reused, many of our customers reserve extra licenses for contractors or clients.



      Can I upgrade my existing Dropbox Basic or Plus account? How does migration work?

      Yes. Moving to a Business account is easy! All your content will stay the same — your files will stay where they are, and all your settings (like shared folder relationships and linked devices) will remain the same. For admins, all your team members who already use Dropbox will have that same experience, and anyone without an existing Dropbox account will be prompted to sign up when you send them an invite.



      Can I share files or folders with Basic/Plus users if I’m on a Business account?

      Absolutely! As long as your team admin permits external sharing, you can share with any Dropbox user, even if they’re not a member of your Dropbox Business team. However, shared folder members who are not on your Business team will be limited by their own storage quotas. So while your team members will have more space to add and edit files in a shared folder, Dropbox Basic or Plus users will be restricted by their personal quota.



      How much space does my team get?

      Dropbox Business provides three plans to fit your team’s needs. The Standard plan gives your team 2 TB of shared storage. For teams needing more space, the Advanced and Enterprise plans provide as much space as you need.



      What is the difference between Dropbox Business Standard and Dropbox Business Advanced?

      Standard provides teams with 2 TB of storage and simple sharing and collaboration tools. For teams needing more storage and security, Advanced provides as much space as your team needs in addition to sophisticated admin, audit, integration, and security features. Learn more about our plans here.



      What is Dropbox Enterprise?

      Dropbox Enterprise is a productivity platform equipped with all the core capabilities of Dropbox Business, plus advanced security and control, enhanced customer support and customization to meet your large organization’s needs.





      Do you have any volume discounts?

      Yes! Please contact our sales team for more information.
      So I basically copied and pasted the whole advertsement font page of Dropbox Business,
      Where do you see that you will be paying the amount of $12.50 X 5 users for one year at once in a payment of $750
      I guess $12.50 / user / month, starting at 5 users makes the (/ )symbol equal to yearly= $750.  Seems like a better way to write that would be $750 / 5 users / yearly.   It's equivelent to a persons monthly rent.  Wrong use of punctuation or symbol.  If you use / to equal (Multiplied by) state that clearly.  /=?  In engish what does this symbol mean it's called a slash.  I mathmatics it does not mean multipied by.  In law however this means nothing!  Because symbols are not words unless used in a mathmatical formula correctly.
      If it's so clear than why, why did you need to clearify?  Because if you wrote it that way on the website nobody would be interested.
      What did dropbox do to actually earn $750 since I refuse it. 
      12.50 per month, per user, minimum 5 users. $12.50 x 5 = $62.50 x 12 = $750?
    • Rich's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      Brian4 wrote:

      It does not say a minimum of 5 users and that you will be billed for each user.

      It very clearly states that the minimum is 5 users (and they're now rolling out a 3-user minimum). If you attempt to change the quantity from 5 to 1, you'll see this...



      If you didnot change the number of users from 5, then you signed up for a 5-user account, and the exact pricing for such an account is listed directly below it.



      You would have to be a lawyer to figure what terms of service you are signing up for.


      That seems pretty clear to me.


      And they provide no help or customer service.

      That is simply not true. Business customers receive priority support and have access to phone and chat support. The phone number and required PIN can be found in your admin console under Help. Basic and Plus customers have access to the ticket system for support.


      The only reason I signed up for the business account was that a client could not preview my video I tried to share through my free account.

      The type of account you have makes no difference for previewing files.


      I thought I was paying $15 and just like a cloud POOF $750 gone forever. 

      What you were paying was very clearly outlined throughout the entire process.


      You can try to contact Support and request a refund, but there's no guarantee that it will happen. They typically have a no refunds policy, but have been known to give them on occasion, or where legally required to do so (certain countries). Give them a call. You might get lucky.


      • Brian4's avatar
        Helpful | Level 6

        Of coarse it seems clear to you Rich.  You work for Dropbox.


        Unforninately the Federad Trade Commission does not allow this sort of unethical business practice.


        Heres how to get Dropbox Business to recieve a nice government fine.


        Dropbox Business $750 scam


        Or just go to FTC.gov to find out more.

  • collectives's avatar
    Helpful | Level 5

    Yes.  They did the same thing to us Friday, March 31.  I had spent 2 hours on chat and the phone trying to upgrade our account and got nothing but the run-around.  They told me to cancel my account, finally ... and re-subscribe.  They said the Advanced Plan would be a monthly billing.  They lied.  We're taking action.

    • Mark's avatar
      Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

      Collectivies - you can pay monthly, but, when you join you have to choose that option youself. It doesnt happen automatically.

      You've selected (and agreed to throughout the process) to pay annually.

      • collectives's avatar
        Helpful | Level 5

        Do not patronize me.  I spent hours on the phone and chat trying to select what you THINK I can do.  It doesn't work.  The monthly plan option doesn't allow you to select it when you are in the Advanced Plan window.  

    • Brian4's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      If you take action I hope it's a class action suit.  I'm in.

      • collectives's avatar
        Helpful | Level 5

        Seems like I'm not alone here.  We loved Dropbox untils this fiasco occured. Flag for me was that Dropbox always sent a monthly credit card charge notice email.  This time, they gave no notice of the $735 charge.  A last resort is to dispute the credit card charge.  This will result in a "chargeback" for Dropbox.  Too many chargebacks and the credit card % Dropbox pays to process our credit cards will go up. For the moment,  it looks like this is being resolved.  I handed this mess off to someone younger and who had not been beaten up by 4 hours of chats, phone calls and online run-arounds.  Good luck!


  • zdaee741's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4

    So I recently got charged $800 by Dropbox via my PayPal credit. I found this thread, and got really worried I will never get the money back. Also the dropbox terms say they do not offer refunds for business accounts. Well, before I was about to submit a dispute with Paypal I submitted a fund request to Dropbox and I cancelled my the business upgrade, and rather quickly; the money was refunded. The whole process tool less than 24 hours of being charged. This might be specific to PayPal, I can't speak for any other form of payment, but I think early awareness and acting quickly are most important. I am a little suspicious that PayPal was even offering me, someone who has barely reached the free 2GB, a "Business" account and not the "Plus" account. But, I am happy with how they handled the situation and how painless the process was. I just wanted to give some hope to this thread.

    • collectives's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5

       Thanks, zdaee741


      Glad you got your money back.  We were refunded as well, but it took days and days of hassling and stress with two of our staff communicating with Drop Box.   It was awful. I think Drop Box knew somebody at their organization blew it big time.  All is well now, but it left us with a bad feeling.  We're just too busy to switch offsite storage ... so we'll stay with Drop Box for now.

      • Ndnsilkscreener's avatar
        Helpful | Level 6

        I just got off the phone with my Visa agent for an unrelated matter. I informed her why i changed my credit card number (cuz of my Drop Box experience, I didn't want Dropbox having my credit info in case they tried to charge me again) and she informed me not to trust companies in general because of the automatic billing. She said that's how they rip ppl off.

        Amazon still refunded me after the 2 week cancellation window because I didn't use their service, they did not pilfer me for the money. I've never dealt with a company that stole so much money from me like Dropbox. Offering refunds is just good business practice. Now when ppl ask me about dropbox I just send them to another file sharing service.