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Can't cancel subscription - I get redirected to GooglePlay but there's no subscription

Can't cancel subscription - I get redirected to GooglePlay but there's no subscription

New member | Level 2
Hi there, as it seems many others have had problems with this. When I try to cancel Dropbox it directs me to googleplay where there is no sign of a Dropbox subscription to cancel it. I would like to cancel instantly please can someone message me from Dropbox team and sort this out.
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Dropbox Staff

Hey @Katie89, thanks for reaching out to us.


If you're not seeing a Dropbox subscription on the device in question, maybe you used a different one to purchase the plan initially, could that be the case?


Even so, if you're still on a paid plan, you can use this page to contact our support team directly, so they can assist you with your request.


Let me know if you have any questions.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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