Newest IdeasMost VotesCompletedTrendingAll Idea StatusesTagged:Tag1Notification icon for unseen new files11Add Appdata folder on Windows and an option for Dropbox Backup11Manual-sync mode for selected folders11Notifications for new file request uploads10Adding caption files to Replay videos00Sender receives an email notification when and with who they share a folder with!00Adding the ability to mute files in the video player while in the mobile app.00Mobile: when moving files or folders, don't get sent back to the root directory01Keep original file names in camera uploads feature on mobiles10Improve the upload/download efficiency0
Completed IdeasAdd an option to prevent a thumbnail popup when taking a screenshotRepeat button for web audio previewsNew folder creation - Option to change default behavior of "Send an email notification" checkboxMobile app (iOS): Having the option to open unsupported file types as .txtPre-defined time-stamps to select when leaving a comment on videos/audios
Tagged Ideassort67 IdeasWeb59 IdeasMobile54 Ideasdesktop47 IdeasShare44 IdeasPreview43 Ideassync40 IdeasOrganize27 Ideasupload21 IdeasDropbox Replay21 Ideas
Featured Idea StatusesNew7 IdeasInvestigating7 IdeasAccepted4 IdeasGathering Support97 IdeasDelivered21 IdeasClosed153 Ideas