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Kim G.1
11 years agoNew member | Level 1
I'd love to see a an individual quota add-on for plans.
10€/ month is a total no go for me. and by the way I do not need 1TB. at least not now.
But give me 1/10 for 1/10 and I would sign up in a heartbeat.
The argument that they lost money because people downgraded. In my view that just emphasize that the pricing scheme is wrong. Some people have bought in for 1TB because that is the only next step. That also indicates that some of the paying subscribers are paying for something the really do not need but had no other option. That is not a good way to treat your customers. Because this means that the second somebody else comes with a better offer. Your customers are gone. and unhappy customers doesn't come back. Even if you try lowering the price at that point then it will be too little too late. I like dropbox have been using it for a long time now. But I am looking for alternatives simply because my cloud storage requirement is more than the 13GB I have now. but way below 1TB. I would really like an option where I can increase storage and price gradually as I need it. Cloud storage is a competitive space. It is about trust, price, availability and features. Microsoft, Google and Apple are on their way. So Dropbox you need to be more competitive or offer other features that people want to pay for. Right now I only use dropbox because of sharing. And I struggle with limited space and 10€ a month is not an option. I have cloud space with the three companies mentioned, but non of them are good or trustworthy enough yet. Every new release they send out they are getting closer. They all have someting that Dropbox does not have. An eco-system around their cloud. Dropbox try with photos. Well I find that feature annoying because it use the limited space I have. and I already have my photos elsewhere. Dropbox you need to come up with something or I believe you will loose the upcoming battle. You have a lot of customers now because you where among the first. Well surprise first is not enough anymore.
- martin_gNew member | Level 2
With the introduction of the 3-device limit, Dropbox is going to have to do something to not shut itself out of the lower end of the market (between free and Plus). Many people don't need to store 1TB in the cloud, but do want to get access from more than 3 devices (I'm already at 4: laptop, desktop, tablet, phone).
Right now there really isn't a reason I shouldn't move somewhere else with an unlimited-devices free tier. I'm willing to pay Dropbox something right now for unlimited devices, but not $10/mth (since I'd only use <0.5% usage of the storage). Once I move though -- I won't have a reason to come back.
They should be allowing accounts to upgrade on the basis of their need: either multi-device access (driven by device count), or space (driven by storage requirements).
My <5GB of data could be getting them $2/mth, and only costing them $0.05/mth.
- faffelkugelExplorer | Level 4
I'm a longtime Dropbox user and I have over the years added a bunch of my personal files (Photos, videos, etc.) and work files. The convenience of having access to the files I need and offloading the rest have been indispensable. And the thought of knowing my files are safe if something should happen to my computer is invaluable. Sadly I've almost reached the point of maxing my 3TB quota.
As a developer and designer I understand the value of keeping it simple, which is why I don't want Dropbox to add another plan for individuals.
I therefore suggest a solution of letting users who needs it, buy additional space.
A good example of this system is how DigitalOcean does it. When creating a Droplet (server) on DigitalOcean, you choose the size and power of the server. Then if you suddenly are in need of additional space you have the option of attaching a Volume to your Droplet. A Volume is basically a virtual harddrive you connect to the server, where you have the option to choose between 3 predetermined sizes or enter a custom storage size (A price is calculated and shown in real-time).
I hope this suggestion finds the interests of other users.
- YasheshNew member | Level 2
i have an Indvidual Plan - Professional, but storage is almost full, and my suggestion is that in Indivdual plan Dropbox should give more storage like one drive at the same cost.
- kepalExplorer | Level 4
Suggestion from my side about paid service annual fees for small individual user should be reasonable so sole user like me can upgrade the service to paid one.
- CinamiNew member | Level 2
I've been using dropbox for many years and despite having various other cloud storage options, One Drive, google drive, box.com etc, Dropbox has always been the most reliable, the easiest to use and with the most useful functions that I use on a daily basis. I was using business but downgraded to Professional when I realised I was paying for 5 users when there is only me. Professional is perfect for me and I make great use of selective sync. My folders are full of client artwork that I cannot delete. Sometimes I need to make changes years later for improvements as there are constant sales. I'm almost at the 3tb threshold and I really need more space. One set of artwork I just generated in the last 3 days comes to over 300 gigabytes. Please make it so we can purchase more space. 8 to 10 gig is where I would want to be at for the next few years with the potential to have more in years to come.
- ZaCloudHelpful | Level 6
Honestly, a simple solution could help both the people in this thread (who want MORE space for an individual) and people in the other thread who want LESS space (folks who are being forced out - or already have been - by the 2 TB 'upgrade' when all they need is 1 TB). Make it so folks can pay for 1 base TB, then add more TB of space at a lower cost per each. Work out the math, and you can satisfy both parties! (Maybe also there can be 'packages' where the user can optionally commit to a batch like 10 TB, 15, 20, etc. But can still additionally tag on an extra TB or two as needed. :chart_with_upwards_trend: (STONKS!)
An "only pay for what you need" solution, which would kill two birds with one stone! What do you think, Dropbox staff? :grin:
- mographjamesExplorer | Level 4
It would be great for individual users (or anyone) to be able to purchase additional storage within their plan. Either in 500gb or 1tb quanities.
I am currently on the Plus Plan and I need another 2tb storage. I have no need for any of the extra features in other plans because I never use any of them, except for smart sync. The only way I can currently get 4tb is if I upgraded to the Standard Plan, for a team of 3+ people with loads of features I don't need...
This is not ideal.
Hopefully this can get added soon.
- TeslaLoverHelpful | Level 5
7 years later & Dropbox still doesn't seem to care to offer users the plans we actually want. My issue is that individuals need to be able to pay for additional storage. The current service offerings are still inadequate. I'm nearing the 3TB mark & if I add anymore storage, I have to pay for THREE USERS to use my account, when it's still just me! This is insane! They need to let me buy 5TB for myself or unlimited for myself. It's terrible business to tell me to pay 3x as much for 2 additional nonexistent users!
- Joe C.56Helpful | Level 7
My business partner and I both pay for personal dropbox plans. We don't want a team plan, we prefer to just share folders. We also don't have a third person. But we both need more than 3TB of space. Why can't we just pay for additional storage like EVERYWHERE ELSE without having to have a completely different account type?
- lloydchreinHelpful | Level 5
I understand from your support people that it is not currently possible to increase storage as needed for the Family Plan. I would suggest that you make this available, at a reasonable additional cost of course, so that those using the plan can increase storage capacity beyond 2TB - which is sure to be needed over time, with up to 6 people on a plan.