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Re: Shared link asks viewers to request access

Shared link asks viewers to request access. Why does this happen?

Helpful | Level 6
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Greetings.  I have a shared file set to be viewable by anyone with the link, and I've sent the link to those I want to view the file (see screenshot).  However, when they access the link, Dropbox states they "do not have access to this file" and offers the option to request access, which I must individually approve.  I have other files configured with these same settings, and those with whom I've shared those links can access them without any separate approval.  I don't know why this particular file is different.  Am I missing something?




63 Replies 63

Helpful | Level 6

Hello @mkeller 


I was the OP on this thread, and I found a workaround for this issue.  I suggest reading through the thread, especially page 3.  See if that addresses your issue as it did mine.

Explorer | Level 3

I've shared a link to a PDF in Dropbox, access is set to anyone with link and downloads enabled.  Why am I being asked to approve access.   This functionality seems to be broken.

Dropbox Staff

@PhilW1, are you sure you didn’t follow these steps instead to share this file with other users? It sounds like this is happening in your case.


Let me know, and we’ll take it from there.

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Explorer | Level 3

Absolutely sure, created share link for a file, and added to email. it has the RLKEY= in the query string.  I have shared the way I have always shared.  Access shows as everyone , and no one should need to have a Dropbox account and be logged in.

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for confirming that! Do you have an example screenshot of what a recipient is seeing on their end perhaps? There should be an option to ignore the login prompt and continue to viewing your shared link. 


Also, are your recipients seeing this on their mobile browsers or even on a computer, as well?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

We are having the same problem in my office.  It started a couple of weeks ago and I have contacted support but haven't had much luck in finding the problem.  We share the 'can view' link out to many individuals, where the link is in a pdf document and when people select the link, we either get this problem or it tells them they have to sign up for dropbox or log into it if they have an account.  We have tried sharing the folder at the team level and individual level.  

Dropbox Staff

Hi there @Bm22782 - thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Since you got in contact with our support team about this, could you share your ticket ID so that we can look it up in our system? 

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Explorer | Level 3

Absolutely.  the ticket # is 23668995.  We had some clients email us this morning that they are unable to open the links.  Very frustrating.  It's only been going on for the last 2-3 weeks.  I'm not sure if some sort of update is causing issues or what. 

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Bm22782, thanks for the ticket number! 


I located your communication with our Support, and raised the priority to High.


Since the case has been escalated to our Advanced agents, I'd suggest that you hold tight, and let them investigate this for you. I understand how crucial this is for you, and we appreciate your patience. 



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New member | Level 2

I'm curious if this was ever resolved, as I am having the same issue. Everything was set up correctly, but certain users are being forced to request access? Could it have to do with their own Dropbox account settings?

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