You might see that the Dropbox Community team have been busy working on some major updates to the Community itself! So, here is some info on what’s changed, what’s staying the same and what you can expect from the Dropbox Community overall.

Forum Discussion

Erez 's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
12 months ago

Access denied error, when trying to access Sign link.

I am logged into Dropbox sign and the document is accessible but loads looking like the following:


I am able to access all other signed documents on the same account but this loads like the above for some reason...
Please assist. this is the only affected document. Below this page I can see the signature page with both parties that signed so i dont understand why the actual uploaded doc is unavailable.
  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey erez  - sorry to hear about this.


    Just to make sure we've covered all bases here, could you clear your browser's cache or try another browser and let us know if you get the same results?


    Also, is the document owned by you or another person perhaps?


    Keep us posted!

    • Erez 's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Different people tried on different browsers with different permissions, including the owner of the files. 

  • Megan's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey erez , is it possible that you have tried contacting our Support team about this? 


    If so, would you be able to share the ticket number reference with me? 

    • Erez 's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Hi Megan, 


      Yes I did. tbh, not with the greatest success as they are still working on it for almost 2 weeks and the resolution and communication abut it was not great so far. 


      I think that I have 2 tickets: 23166530 and 23121241.


      Looking forward to see whether you can expedite anything. Thanks

      • Megan's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hi erez , thanks for the ticket numbers! 


        I just checked, and it seems the second one is in the hands of our Advanced agents. Therefore, there's not really much that we can do. 


        I've increased the priority of your ticket, and appreciate your patience on this, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know!