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Re: Can't load pictures on iPhone Paper

“Couldn't Load Preview.” error for photos on my iPhone 13 Paper app

Helpful | Level 6

No images will load in Paper app on my iPhone 13. All works fine on my Mac computer using SafariCouldn't Load Preview, 5-2-24.jpg. The message is “Couldn't Load Preview.”

43 Replies 43

Dropbox Staff

Welcome back to our forum, @johnweidner!


Out of curiosity, is this happening with all Paper docs or just one/a few of them? 


Have you tried reinstalling the Paper app on your iOS device? 


Let me know, and we can go from there.

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Helpful | Level 6

It seems to be all of them. And I reinstalled the app, with no change


Dropbox Staff

Hey @johnweidner, when did this start happening? 


Also, do you have a problem only when trying to preview your Paper files? 

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Helpful | Level 6

No, I OPEN the file on my iPhone. All the text is still there, just right. But every picture is replaced with a message that starts with "Couldn't load preview. The file may have been moved or deleted." (All the pictures are still there when I open the same file on my computer.)

Dropbox Staff

HI @johnweidner, could you try using a different network connection to see if this helps when previewing the files?

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Helpful | Level 6

I tried turning off Wi-Fi on my phone, and using Cellular Data. Same problem exactly

Helpful | Level 6

Crazy question: I'm using hundreds of pictures in my Paper documents. Could there just be a limit to how much the iPhone Paper app can handle?

Dropbox Staff

Approximately how many pictures do you have in one document? If you create a new Paper doc with only a few images, does it load normally?

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Helpful | Level 6

Approximately 10 to 20 pix, not very large in size. I just made a test document with two pictures, but it had the exact same problem. 

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