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Forum Discussion

jmshon's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
4 years ago

Upgrade your browser to use Dropbox

I tried to log in to the promotion 20GB Dropbox by Dell but I received this message once I clicked right button on the dropbox icon on my Windows 10, which is as follows:

Upgrade your browser to use Dropbox

Your current browser is not supported. We support the latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Edge
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari

I also clicked each browser and installed its latest version, but still I have failed to see the sign-in option.

  • Jay's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Hi there jmshon, thanks for posting!

    Would you mind sending along a screenshot of the prompt you're seeing there, excluding any personal info?

    Also, can you let me know which version of your preferred browser you're using?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!
    • jmshon's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Thank you for helps.

      Please see the below that I took screenshot.

      The versions of browsers are Chrome (89.0.4389.82) and Firefox (not sure but I just downloaded from that link)


      • Jay's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
        I can't read the words on the screenshot since they're too small.

        Could you try updating your Windows device with any new security updates to see if this helps with the signing in process?
    • TE150's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I'm Also facing the same issue. if some one got the solution kindly let me know 

  • mtr_549's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4

    Is there a fix for this in the works yet from the DB team? I have had this same issue trying to mount Dropbox to a Windows machine using Cloudmounter.

    • Walter's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hello people; thanks for flagging this with us!


      For anyone affected by this, may we reach out via email to have a further look internally? 

      • mtr_549's avatar
        Explorer | Level 4

        Walter, that would be great, thank you! I'm free to get in touch whenever you can.

  • shashank46's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I am having the same problem, from past 6 months this is the same problem, does Dropbox will fix this problem or not. I am using Dropbox as data source, my browser is up to date. Please fix this problem as soon as possible.  I tried holding ctrl+ shift but it didn't




  • zekka82's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3

    Hi !

    There is unsolved isue Upgrade your browser to use Dropbox - Dropbox Community ( and i can't find a solution.


    I'm trying to get the Dropbox authorization code using Powershell (script below). But I have an error. Has anyone solved this problem? Is there another way to get the authorization code now?



    Add-Type -AssemblyName system.web
    Add-Type -AssemblyName

    $AppKey = 'y7msy7vechuxro3'
    $AppSecret = '956ljb09upxgpp8'
    $RedirectURI = ''

    $encodedRedirect = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($RedirectURI)
    $encodedKey = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::urlEncode($AppKey)
    $baseUri = ''
    $parameters = "client_id=$encodedKey&redirect_uri=$encodedRedirectresponse_type=code"
    $uri = "$baseUri`?$parameters"

    #рисуем форму для использования с веб объектом

    $Form = New-Object -typeName 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' -Property @{
    Width = 660
    Height = 640

    $Web = New-Object -typeName 'System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser' -Property @{
    Width = 660
    Height = 640
    Url = $Uri


    $DocumentCompleted_Script = {
    if ($web.Url.AbsoluteUri -match "error[^&]*|code=[^&]*"){

    #add controls to the form
    $web.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = $true
    $form.Add_Shown({ $form.Activate() })

    #Run the form

    #parse the output
    $QueryOutput = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($web.Url.Query)

    $response = @{}
    foreach ($key in $QueryOutput.Keys){
    $response["#key"] = $QueryOutput[$key]





    • Hannah's avatar
      Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

      Hey zekka82, thanks for the nudge on this.


      I've actually moved your post to the relevant thread. 


      Would you mind letting me know which browser you're using and which version?



      • zekka82's avatar
        Explorer | Level 3

        Dear Hannah,


        Thank you for your response.


        I use Ms Edge ver. 103.0.1264.62 

        Windows ver.

        Windows 11 Pro
        ver 21H2
        Build 22000.795
        Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.795.0


        Actually I think the problem is in the System.Windows.Forms.Form and System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser classes.
        But there is no other way to automate the receipt of the authorization code. I really hope you can guide me how to solve the problem.

        Best regards, Eugeny



  • yangshaohua's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I got the errorinfo on my Iphone 

    which is as follows:

    Upgrade your browser to use Dropbox

    Your current browser is not supported. We support the latest versions of the following browsers:

    • Edge
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari

    I also clicked each browser and installed its latest version, but still I have failed to see the sign-in option.