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Dropbox ideas

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Skip/play next audio files from folder

Skip/play next audio files from folder

Explorer | Level 4

i would need to be able to use folders as the equivalent of a playlist and be able to skip to the next file or play the next file when the previous one is done. As a musician that would be extremely useful for my own productions and could replace SoundCloud for sharing.

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff

Hey everyone, this idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.


Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!

Status changed to: Closed
Explorer | Level 4

Oh and 3rd party apps are not an option because they don't support offline sync on iOS, and that would not solve the sharing part which would use the web Dropbox client for consumption.  

Dropbox Staff

This idea is going to need a bit more support.

We've updated the status to encourage more users to back you up!

Status changed to: Gathering Support
New member | Level 2

I saw in the patch notes for the app on iOS that any suggestions could be brought to the forums, so I thought why not suggest this new feature. I use Dropbox primarily for audio files and sometimes when playing through them, it would be much more convenient to have playlists.

New member | Level 2

Hey i am at the point of just figuring out a whole new system for my record label, i love dropbox for actually keep files and music but at this point there is no reason there isnt a option to make a collection of songs into a playlist to listen to or share. As of now we have to use songspace, soundcloud, etc when dropbox could easily be a 1 stop show for the music industry. We have all been asking for this year after year, ill be personally sharing this with & wetrasnfer. Whatever company thar figures this out + the right security will get the business of majority of the music industry 

Helpful | Level 5

As a music producer, I support this idea. I use dropbox for sharing media for previewing purposes.

New member | Level 2



Proposal: We make Dropbox more friendly to showcasing creative work... poets and writers could gather they best works together and share with a single link, photographers could create a selection of digital galleries and share each one as viewable in a single click, film makers could share their showreel as a single link that plays through a selection of short video clips... and they can update and edit and move around so that same link continues to showcase their current work. Finally musicians can set up a range of playlists that present emerging or best work in a user focused way, both to share digitally and in office environments.


Delivery: Minimal viable implementation could see the creation of playlists within the App and website so users can build bodies of work and share with a single link. It could also be a simple 'play all files in this folder' option, to break up that clunkiness when looking to present a body of work. The more comprehensive implementation would see Dropbox Galleries become a way for photographers, film makers and artists to present their work, with links becoming webpages showcasing their work direct from their folders, with positive association and highvisibility brand placement Dropbox's payoff.




Justin (Juzmania5)


Creating a simple playlist feature could really support creatives... writers could gather their best work and share with a single link, a film maker could build a show-real and use dropbox to share, photographers could create digital galleries viewable in a single click and a songwriter like myself can use it to assemble the latest mixes of a project or present their best work in a single click.

Having had this thought for a while I thought it was time to share it as user feedback.

Helpful | Level 5

For the music industry professionals, specificially in the management space, it's infuruating to have to use three or more platforms. We need a space to store creative catalog and legal documents acrossed multiple clients. Dropbox is great for that. Dropbox is great for practically 90% of our needs because everything is easily storable, integrated, and shareable. PLUS dropbox has the most simple interface.


However, it sucks to have to use another platform for what should be extremely simple. That is a media player. When managing artists we need to be able to send out private links that include any variable of songs and sometimes video file. I totally understand the desire not to make a fully functioning media player but at least, AT LEAST, create an option to automatically go to the next media file within a folder for **bleep**s sake. 


I don't want to use songspace, soundcloud, Reprtoir,, or any others. Especailly when this implementation within dropbox would be so simple. BOX does it. Your biggest competitor does it.



Dc Walk
New member | Level 2

I have some summary of books in .MP3 that I’d like to listen along side reading the summary in .PDF.
Why don’t we give the possibility to minimize the player while browsing in the Dropbox app. Thank you.

Explorer | Level 3

For music producers! We need a music player added. Would like to have audio track keep playing when out of the file as i search for other audios

New member | Level 2

Why there is no hotkeys plugins in the embedded video player (video js)?

Sometimes I want to pause and resume the video with space bar and to forward and backward 5 seconds with arrows on keyboard but there is no hotkeys added to that embedded video player (video js). it is very simple to add this hotkeys plugin and it will save a lot of time.


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20 votes received Status: Closed