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Setting to change how long the Vault stays unlocked.

Setting to change how long the Vault stays unlocked.

Explorer | Level 4
It would be great to have a setting that determines how long the vault on mobile devices and the website stays unlocked. I read that the vault on mobile stays unlocked for only 3 minutes. That's entirely too short and so inconvenient. The vault also seems to lock immediately if you switch applications for a few moments and then go back to it. Again, there should be a setting giving preset options for how long you want the vault to stay open like (Default=3 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours). Another option is displaying a prompt with the same options when you open the vault so the user can select it at that time. Perhaps these options only become available on mobile if the users device or app meets other criteria, like having a passcode/pin/biometric unlock set on the device and or having one of those options set in the app.
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Dropbox Staff
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Status changed to: Gathering Support
Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
New member | Level 2
I would like to have the built time limit extended or I would like an option added that will allow me to click something to extend my time. I have been running into issues with organizing my vault and potentially loosing data because the vault locks up. I would like to havee the option to extend my time if I am actively using the vault. A popup notification with a "would you like to extend for 20 min" would be awesome. I never know when my vault is going to lock and I'm afraid I have lost data in the past because of this.
New member | Level 2

Agree. It makes for an extremely annoying user experience not to be able to control this.

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1 votes received Status: Gathering Support