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Re: No personal named folder

New named Dropbox structure

Helpful | Level 6

I am a user of DropBox Business, on Windows 10.

Last week, I suddenly realized that the shortcuts to some of my Dropbox folders were broken.

A quick look learned me that the structure had changed.

While I used to access my folder through:

C:/User/{username}/Dropbox (COMPANY NAME)/, I can now find them at:
C:/User/{username}/{COMPANY NAME} Dropbox/MyFirstName LASTNAME/


Now, both structures seem to remain while the first one is now a hidden shortcut (although I can't seem to see where it links to).

So that I don't really know where my files actually are.

Is this change documented anywhere?




After a couple of days, I realized this happened to all of this Dropbox Business users across the company, Mac and Windows, and that it messes up with backup strategies.


I didn't find anything about this new structure in DropBox's changelog.

156 Replies 156

Helpful | Level 6

The issue is this—the third party app developer does not support DropBox for business team folders at this time (and never really did).


However, one could let it sync and create it's App folder, then temporarily rename it, followed by creating a new Team Folder by the same App folder name with the proper permissions, then move the contents of the App's renamed folder into the newly-created Team folder with the App's folder name.


Voila!  Team folder synced by the App.


Except, that doesn't work with the new structure.


Also, your moving everything to the cloud resulted in my Operating System's meta databases for searching for file names and file contents using it's file systems built-in search mechanisms is now all broken.


So, also, thanks for that!!!


New member | Level 2

I find totally irresponsible from Dropbox to suddenly decide to change the structure of the business folders that forces a total resync of your data.

In my case I have 2 TB in dropbox and 3 computers at home syncing, and the internet provider charges when data goes beyond 1 TB... I have to reload  6TB therefore pay for 5 TB of data... data that is already on the 3 computers!

This is beyond absurdity, irresponsibility, and lack of respect with users time and money.

Who is making these decisions at Dropbox? 


Explorer | Level 4

Well i leave a message here as well because we have been using dropbox for 12 years now. 
For a while we have been thinking about moving all our projects somehwer else, like nextcloud or google drive but simply didnt because dropbox was still the best option. Now with this really useless change that questions everything and means we have to resync and then also update all folder pathes in our projects anyway makes us question if this isnt the right time to finally move to another cloud service. 

I still hope for DB to make this change optional, which would make us stayl, if there is no way to avoid it, then this is probably the right moment to switch to another service for good. 

Explorer | Level 4

The same thing happened to us this morning. I am the team admin, and as far as I can see there has been no notification. 

Apart from nearly having a heart attack when I (didn't see) my folders in the new arrangement the two really big issues are:

• All of our files are now offline and this takes time to download again = waste of time = waste of money

• Our fonts stopped working via RightFont and had to troubleshoot that to get it working again.


Also wondering if now is the time to reconsider which cloud provider I use

Helpful | Level 7

My DB for Business is scheduled to upgrade in a few days but I may postpone again.  I have a desktop where the DB folder is on a D drive and not the C drive.  I read one post this was an issue.  Will the upgrade mess that up and create the new DB folder on the C drive instead of where I have it now on the D drive?


I am not using any Teams folders.  I have five users and we just all use the personal folders and have some folders shared with both internal and some external users.  From what I read, there should be no issue with my upgrade other than the on system with files on the D Drive.

New member | Level 2

hi all! 


I've come back to work today, after dropbox upgraded the team's system over the weekend, and my guys couldn't open any of their work yesterday. We think that it links back to the main folder having been renamed during the upgrade process (by Dropbox) - and therefore all links broke. This is on smart synch - and on mac's finder system. Was everyone else having this issue? Is there a way to solve this - should I get them to scrape Dropbox off their macs and re-synch it? I was having a lot of trouble before the upgrade, and realised it's because we were on a beta program. I ended up removing the smart synch system completely, and haven't reinstalled as I couldn't afford lose anymore time to issues at that point. Now it has effected my team and we have missed deadlines etc, so I need to work out what to do about it. The temporary fix that we have in place is to just download the folder being worked on from the browser/app dropbox, and ignore the smart synch folders, but the smart synch folders were the whole reason dropbox was so good. Does anyone have any advice, and if it is about de-installing and reinstalling the smart synch - I searched and couldn't find instructions for how to do it, could someone link me to that? Thank you! 

Helpful | Level 7

Well I got this email today:


"On October 29, your account was scheduled to be upgraded to the latest version of Dropbox at no additional cost to you. However, due to unexpected demand for this time slot, we need to postpone the migration and will contact you once the reschedule date is determined."


I previously kept postponing since August.  Earlier this week I pushed to 10/29 since that was the furthest out Saturday I could do.  


Now under my admin console where I could postpone it says: "We will contact you once you're eligible for the upgrade again"


In my app and on the webpage banner it notes the upgrade is scheduled for 12/1/22.  I will probably postpone again!


I wonder if this is delayed due to the issues DB has or if it is really an "unexpected demand."


Explorer | Level 4

As a semi-workaround if you have a few key folders you use all the time, you can right click and add them to 'Quick Access' so they show in that section at the top of your windows explorer side bar.



Johan B.4
New member | Level 2

This is exactly our setup. In a customer perspective, a totally unneeded change.

Explorer | Level 3

My company received the recent announcement about "Upcoming changes to your Dropbox team account".  Quite frankly, it has me terrified, starting with the very first bullet item related to naming convention.  This is going to cause major problems within our organization, and I can't believe we're alone.


We have thousands of files that are linked to our DB repository.  Revising all of those links throughout our products and documentation is not an option.  I'm being told by our management to find an option within DB, or they will be moving away from DB.  It's that much of a hardship on us.


Is there truly no method to opt out of this change in naming convention?  We cannot let this happen.


Thanks in advance for any thoughts anyone can share.

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