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Dates of Modified Folders By Other Users Not Updating

Dates of Modified Folders By Other Users Not Updating

Helpful | Level 7

Ever since updating to File Provider on Mac (which fixed the issue with auto-downloading of files for Adobe projects, thanks) my Dropbox folder "modified" dates on my Mac do not update when the folders were modified by other users on our team. 


For example, if I modify a folder, and I've sorted by Date Modified, that folder rises to the top of my Finder view immediately.


However, if some other team member has modified that folder, it doesn't rise to the top of my Finder view until AFTER I go into the folder. It's as if the view is no longer refreshing properly from Dropbox, as it doesn't realize the folder was modified until I click into it. 


Before the Dropbox changes this used to work just fine, as expected. If a folder had been modified, no matter by who, its Last Modified always updated immediately and my sort worked fine. 

4 Replies 4

Dropbox Staff

Hi there @j2762mm - sorry to hear you're having issues with this.


Could you please clarify your device's exact OS version and the version and status of the Dropbox desktop app?


Also, does rebooting or refreshing your Finder's window help improve matters at all?


Let us know more and we'll take it from there. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 7

Thank you.


OS version is 14.0 (23A344). Force quitting Finder doesn't seem to change anything, nor does restarting the computer. This has been ongoing for a while so I've been through various restarts and it's a consistent issue. 


Dropbox status is normal, "your files are up to date" and everything syncing without issue. Version is 201.4.5552

Dropbox Staff

I see, thanks for the additional information @j2762mm 


In this case, I'd suggest getting in contact with our support team directly for further assistance as they'll be better equipped to help with account and device specific information.


Let us know if you have anything else to add or ask in the meantime. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 7

Well just so the public can see, this is still not resolved.


Shortly after contacting Dropbox's support I was put in touch with a higher level tech who was gathering info from me. At some point the ticket closed and I could never get in touch with that same person again.


I repeatedly contacted support again, but due to either a bad ticket system, incompetence, or something else, they never were able to put me back in touch with the guy who was working with me. 


Giant waste of time, still spending thousands per year on Dropbox and yet another busted feature and nobody seems to care. 

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