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Forum Discussion
6 years agoNew member | Level 2
Unable to open files with Office Online
When clicking e.g. "Open with Microsoft Online Excel" on a file from the Dropbox website, a loading page shows and then it just ends up becoming a blank page. It used to work, but it seems there's a ...
Explorer | Level 4
Hi all, I'm facing the same issues here. Did anyone manage to solve this? Clearing cache doesn't help in my case.
5 years agoDropbox Staff
Hi nzz8; thanks for joining our discussion here and welcome to our Community!
I'm sorry to heat that clearing your browser's cache didn't improve matters for you. Could you try an incognito window or another browser and let me know the results?
If you still bump into an issue, please send me a screenshot so I can have a visual too.
Thanks a bunch!
- nzz85 years agoExplorer | Level 4
Hi Walter ,
After switching browser, it now works for me. But it's so frustrating not knowing what went wrong in chrome. So now I open mozilla everytime i want to do online editing - the fastest solution to my issue.
- OBCS805 years agoNew member | Level 2
Same issue here, totally broken in Chrome 81.0.4044.138 on Win10. Works fine in Firefox.
- jochem5 years agoNew member | Level 2
hi, I have a similar problem.
Could you assist me with this issue?
When storing email messages (outlook item: msg format) in dropbox and then re-opening it, content in email becomes unreadable (full of non latin characters). I already verified the parameters in outlook and these are fine. Sometimes messages are readable but only half of it.It randomly happens but very annoying because we “lose” the content of the email as the data becomes unreadable.
Could anyone share with me a solution?
I am using Dropbox Business and Microsoft Office 2016 64 bits version.Thanks in advance!
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