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People I share download links with are unable to download my files

People I share download links with are unable to download my files

New member | Level 2

For some time I have been sending friends and colleagues links to download files but when they try they are unable.. 


I have a 3TB essentials account with space left, any ideas? 

6 Replies 6

Super User II

@richiereel wrote:

For some time I have been sending friends and colleagues links to download files but when they try they are unable.. 

 any ideas? 

Unless you tell us why they cannot - what happens/errors etc. we cannot help I'm afraid. 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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:arrows_counterclockwise: Did this post not resolve your issue? If so please give us some more information so we can try and help - please remember we cannot see over your shoulder so be as descriptive as possible! 


New member | Level 2

Yes this might help.. I've added some attachements to see.

New member | Level 2


Dropbox Product Manager

Hi @richiereel ,


Could you share some more details on what type of link you're sending to them? Are you sharing with them a folder, file, or both? And did you share from, desktop app, or from your mobile device? 




Dropbox Designer

Hi @richiereel

I'm a content designer on the Sharing team and I'd love to help you with this. As other mentioned, there are several ways to share and download.

If your link is set to Can edit, your recipients may be prompted to log in and add that content to their Dropbox account. If they don't have the required storage, they won't be able to. I recommend setting the link to Can view and making sure you don't have the setting on that prevents downloads (see attachment). You get here by clicking the gear icon (settings) when sharing.


If your goal is delivering files for the purpose of download, I recommend using Dropbox Transfer. That doesn't require the recipient to have an account or storage space available and you'll get notified when they download. Get there at:


I hope one of those solutions works for you! Let me know if it doesn't. We're working to improve this experience right now and your feedback is invaluable. 

Dropbox Designer

@richiereel Do you know what kind of device this is? I don't recognize the interface in the screen. Is it possible the device doesn't allow downloads? The second looks potentially like you've given them access to them at a certain email but they're logged in to a different one? It would help to know how you usually share—on web, desktop, or mobile, and do you copy/share a link, add people, share by email, etc.? 

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    AngeliqueL Dropbox Designer
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    richiereel New member | Level 2
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