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I hear a crackling sound when I play back my audio/video files on iPhone

I hear a crackling sound when I play back my audio/video files on iPhone

Explorer | Level 3

When I play back videos or audio files on iPhone I hear annoying crackle sound. How do I stop this from happening

3 Replies 3

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Ebensmatik, and welcome to our Community!


Is this something that started happening lately and for all your video/audio files? 


What if you download/export a file to your iPhone? Does the crackling sound stop then? 


Let me know.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

It happens when playin from the Dropbox only. Downloads are fine.

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Ebensmatik, I just tested this on my end, but I can't replicate the issue.


Can you open the Dropbox app, tap on "account", then on the gear icon and then on "clear cache", to see if that helps?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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    Hannah Dropbox Staff
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    Ebensmatik Explorer | Level 3
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