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Re: I deleted the dropbox app off my desk and now I can't open my files.

I deleted the dropbox app off my desk and now I can't open my files.

Explorer | Level 3

I deleted the dropbox app off my desk and now I can't open my files. Now I can't even make a new folder on my desktop page, located any of my files, downloads or documents. I've contacted Apple and have been trying to get their help for the past 5 hours and they said it's probably because I had DropBox and it changed the files on my computer. Now that I have updated to Monterey I can't get any of my files and worst of all I didn't back up my computer.



11 Replies 11

Dropbox Staff

Hey @DD2022, sorry to hear about this.


It sounds like you had enabled the computer backup feature on your computer before uninstalling the desktop app from your computer. 


Could you have a look at this page and let me know if it rings any bells? 


Also, can you send us a screenshot of the exact error you're getting when trying to access your files on your computer?


Thanks so much!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi @Walter  thanks so much! 


 error code 8072 whenever I try to make a folder on my desktop. 

my documents, downloads & desktop folders are missing. Nothing is there. SO if I try to download anything from safari it wont even allow me to do so, im assuming since it can't locate the folder. 

Dropbox Staff

Hey @DD2022, sorry for jumping in here. 


Just to clarify, are you able to see all of your computer files, if you go to your Finder > Dropbox folder > My Mac or do you see content missing from there, as well?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hey @Nancy  thanks for jumping in, No I am not.

Explorer | Level 3

Is there any way to retrieve those folders that were removed when I deleted dropbox from my desktop. If I download again it to my desktop and log back in will it bring the folders back?

Dropbox Staff

Hi @DD2022, how are you today? 


Did you remove the app off of the device, or did you also delete your Dropbox account? 


When you visit our website online, are you able to locate the folders there? 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi @Megan I deleted the app from the desktop I still have the account but it wasn't backing up because I already exceed the 2GB. Because It was no longer backing up I didnt now it was still in sync with my folders or that it had encrypted the folders it was attached to. So once I deleted the app it deleted the folders it was attached to which resulted In my laptop being able to locate the folders.

Dropbox Staff

Sorry to jump in here, @DD2022.


i'm afraid that if the files themselves were never backed up/synced to Dropbox, there's pretty much nothing we can do to restore them through Dropbox. 


But, can you confirm that you no longer see the 'desktop', 'documents' and 'downloads' folders in the backup folder in your Dropbox folder or online?


Are the actual folders nowhere to be found?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi @Hannah 
To confirm I DO NOT see the 'desktop', 'documents' and 'downloads' folders in the backup folder in your Dropbox folder or online nor do the exist on my laptop any more. I understand that the content within the folder can be missing but Apple said that when I removed Dropbox that it removed the actual folder. So if I don't have the Dropbox app on my laptop I can no longer add/save anything to my desktop or downloads. 

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