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File/Video won't save to iPad or iPhone

File/Video won't save to iPad or iPhone

Explorer | Level 3

Hi - When using the Dropbox App on my iPhone or iPad, I want to download or save the video. I select 'save video', it starts the download process and when its finished I get the error message "Sorry, this type of video cannot be saved to this device."  It is an mp4 video which I used to be able to save with no issues.  I can download it using my computer but not using the mobile app.  Looking for some help with this please.  Thank you!

28 Replies 28

Dropbox Staff

Hi @sarah2023, I know that this might sound trivial, but have you tried restarting your phone? 


If I were you, I'd uninstall the app, reboot and install again. Can you give it a go, please? 

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Explorer | Level 3

That is actually the first thing I did on both my phone and iPad…the only thing that has done anything is clearing the cache so I can at least download…its just finding the darn files or getting them to go to camera roll…

Dropbox Staff

Hi @sarah2023, one more thing for us to check. 


Do you have enough space on the device, in order to save the file?

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Explorer | Level 3

I never thought of that one! But I just checked and I have almost 2TB of storage available so that is not the issue…

I really appreciate all your troubleshooting and hopefully we figure this out.  

Dropbox Staff

Hi @sarah2023, just for clarification, my colleague was asking about the space on your mobile itself, and not the quota on the site.

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi - I have used 100GB of 2 TB on my iPad…is this what you mean?


Dropbox Staff

Hey Sarah!


Jay is actually referring to the storage space of your device, not your Dropbox account.


If you go to your device's Settings > General > iPad storage, do you see that you have at least 500MB of space available there?

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi Jay,  The space I quoted is what is on my actual device (iPad Pro) and not the site…I went into my settings and storage available on IPad…

Explorer | Level 3
Yes that is what I did. It says I have used only 101.3GB of 2TB in iPad storage. I have more than enough room.

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for checking that, Sarah, and happy Monday!


Can you also let us know which version of the Dropbox app you have installed?


If you restart the device, does it help? 


Or if you uninstall and reinstall the Dropbox app?

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