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File/Video won't save to iPad or iPhone

File/Video won't save to iPad or iPhone

Explorer | Level 3

Hi - When using the Dropbox App on my iPhone or iPad, I want to download or save the video. I select 'save video', it starts the download process and when its finished I get the error message "Sorry, this type of video cannot be saved to this device."  It is an mp4 video which I used to be able to save with no issues.  I can download it using my computer but not using the mobile app.  Looking for some help with this please.  Thank you!

28 Replies 28

Explorer | Level 3

I forgot to add, if I don't get the error message, where does the file go? It's not in my PHOTOS....thanks!

Dropbox Staff

Hey @sarah2023, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


I just tested this on my own device and I'm not having this issue.


How large (in size) are the videos you're trying to download?


Can you open the Dropbox app, tap on "account", then on the gear icon and then on "clear cache", to see if that helps?


As for the downloaded videos, they should appear in your camera roll.

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi Hannah - thank you for the reply.  I cleared the cache and it seemed to work on my iPhone but it doesn't appear in my Camera Roll?  I can't find it there something else I can do?  Thanks again!

Dropbox Staff

Hey Sarah! I'm happy to see that clearing the cache helped.


In my case, the video I downloaded, went to Photos, but was this video taken with your phone?


Where was it initially uploaded from? Could it be somewhere in your Files app?

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Explorer | Level 3

The file was created by someone else and added to a shared folder.  It is not located anywhere on my device as I have used Search for the file…. I used to be able to just save the file and it would be in my camera roll but that is nolonger happening for myself or my husband that is having the exact same issues.

Dropbox Staff

Hi @sarah2023! I hope you’re doing well. 


Can you please clarify what’s the exact OS version of your iOS device?

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Explorer | Level 3

All devices I (we) are using are up to date.  iPad is 16.2 and iPhone is 16.2 as well.

Dropbox Staff

Hmm, can you try to save another video again, as a test, and let me know what happens with that?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3
Hi Hannah,

I tried it with a couple other different video files and the same issue. They download but don’t show up in the camera roll or anywhere on my device.
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