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Re: Documents, Downloads, and Desktop folders are gone on my MB Pro. Dropbox has folders but no f...

Documents, Downloads, and Desktop folders are gone on my MB Pro. Dropbox has folders but no files

Explorer | Level 4
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Hello there!


So to preface, I'm relatively new to Dropbox, and only got it for a couple work gigs. But the moment it had access to my computer, it started creating a backup I think? Which, with only 2 GB of Dropbox Basic storage, there was no way it could do that with the 200+GB of stuff on my computer. So naturally it filled up pretty quickly, and I paused the sync.


At this point I try to free up some space, so I go to the dropbox folder in my Mac, select the attempted backup of my computer, and delete it. I think it was then that the folders disappeared, but I didn't notice until I was in the Dropbox system preferences trying to make it stop creating automatic backups...tried to deselect the Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders and save, but then a message popped up saying the folders couldn't be located...


So now this morning comes around, and the folders(Desktop, Downloads, Documents) are back on my computer, along with all my personal folders inside them, but all of my actual DOCUMENTS...all my pdfs of taxes, all pictures, work documents.. are just GONE. Can anyone help me out? where did all my actual files go and how do I get them back??


Many thanks in advance

1 Accepted Solution

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Dropbox Staff
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Hey @tgelhaus, thanks for all the info and the updates!

I'd also suggest searching for My Mac folder on your Finder. Keep in mind that it could be hidden.

To show hidden folders/files: Press Command+Shift+Dot (Command + Shift + .)

Let me know what you find!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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36 Replies 36

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @tgelhaus, and welcome to our Community! 

It seems you're referring to our Computer Backup feature. 

Have you tried checking your account's Deleted files page here? If none of your content is visible there for you to restore, then I'd suggest looking into your device's trash, to see if you can locate it there. 

Keep me posted on what you find, and we'll take it from there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
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Hi Lori!


First off, thank you so much for helping out! None of the files were in the Deleted files page, and I found a zip file of my downloads folder in the trash, ...moved it to my desktop, but opening it revealed it to be a copy of what I found on my computer this morning...all the folders, but all of them are empty. I put some screenshots here with different folders selected as files in any of fact aside from a couple screenshots I took earlier today. This is how all the folders in my Documents and Desktop tabs look as well..empty!



Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 9.18.44 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 9.18.56 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 9.19.08 PM.png


Explorer | Level 4
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Update: I found a handful of folders in my Desktop folder that still have files! It's very strange's as if everything that hadn't synced with Dropbox yet by the time I messed with it got deleted, but whatever small amount of files HAD synced got saved...

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @tgelhaus, thanks for all the info and the updates!

I'd also suggest searching for My Mac folder on your Finder. Keep in mind that it could be hidden.

To show hidden folders/files: Press Command+Shift+Dot (Command + Shift + .)

Let me know what you find!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 4
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Hi again!

I initially searched through Finder and came up with nothing, just the My Mac folder that has all the missing files.., BUT I decided just to look in the Trash and lo and behold, a hidden My Mac with a different icon appeared..I attached a screenshot of after I dragged it back to my desktop. I opened it up and everything is there! All the files, everything! So many thanks for helping me find this. This is a great weight off my shoulders going forward.


I do have one final question! Now that I've found this folder, where is it's proper home space on my computer? Does it go somewhere in Macintosh HD? Someplace else? Basically how do I overwrite/consolidate the folders with missing data currently in my Finder with these new/old folders that have everything? 


Thank you so, so much again! I cannot stress enough how much this brings me relief!

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 4.37.04 PM.png

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @tgelhaus, wishing you a great Monday so far!

Happy to see that your issue is resolved, and that you located your content!

You can drag-and-drop those files or folders back to their original paths at any time.You would need to update the new content manually, and that would do the trick. 

Give me a nudge if you have any other questions, I'd be happy replying them! 


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Explorer | Level 4
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I have exactly the same problem after using dropbox today.  My desktop folder and download folder are gone and I see them on but not in finder anymore.  This is quite annoying.


Any suggestion please let me know.  Thank you

Explorer | Level 4
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unfortunately I have emptied my trash and I do see the maps desktop and download on but have no idea how to put them back as I need them on my Macbook Pro...

Explorer | Level 4
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After using Dropbox yesterday my desktop folder and download folder disappeared from finder on my Macbook Pro.  When I start using Dropbox it started to sync and I stopped it, emptied my trash and deleted the files in the sync folder.  After this my desktop and download folder where gone in Finder.  I searched in hidden files but no desktop of download folders anymore.  When going to I see the folders there and have no idea how to get them back to my HD on my Mac.  Please let me know how to get the folders back on my Mac.  Thank you

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