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Re: Share links don't work correctly

BizStandard: Doc opened via link, no longer giving Open Button option for editing (as in Word etc )

Explorer | Level 3
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Hoping to gain insight on a strange problem that just recently cropped up in my Business Dropbox, in condition of internal colleagues sending the direct file link to me by email to documen in common shared projecft folder, when opening the link I am no longer seeing the Open button. This is new, until perhaps 4 days ago had no issue. It is possible some update has triggered but 


For clarity, I have reviewed the help guide on Open Button: and tried actions suggested there up to including uninstalling Dropbox App and reinstalling


Oddly I find that if I use Copy Link to the exact same document shared (in same shared folder, no harddrive moving about), and past into browser, Open button appears

As opened in direct email link (yes signed into Business Dropbox)



If I however Copy Link and then past the link of the exact same document into a new browser tab Bingo the open doc appears.


While a workaround I am hoping someone may have a clever insight as to the how and why this is occuring as much more efficent to not have to do the copy link step and just in case this may not work in call cases.


System: Windows 10 (latest update installed etc)

Browser: Chrome Version 114.0.5735.135 (Official Build) (64-bit)


1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hannah C
Dropbox Product Manager
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Hi everyone, 


We were able to identify an issue that was causing the inconsistent behavior with the "Open In" button. This should now be resolved but please let us know if you continue to see this issue. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.


@michal_j Are you still seeing the issue where you see "This item was deleted" message on any other share links?

View solution in original post

6 Replies 6

Dropbox Staff
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Hi @WFellows, let's jump right into this! 


First thing I want to ask is, if this happens with all the Microsoft files they send you, or some specific ones?


Do you use the same browser in both instances? If for example you open your name on a different browser, and click the link there, do you notice the same behavior?


Keep me posted, and we'll take it from there! 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3
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Thanks - it seems to be happening generally. PPTs, Word etc. - although previoiusly worked


Just checked by taking a link and using EDGE instead of Chrome with same company dropbox, and exactly the same behaviour, copy pasting the direc linkn from email I get the document in web view fine but no Open button. Clicking on the Copy Link and then pasting said link into a new tab in the same browers, bingo get the Open button. 


I should add that in Dropbox web, the files also give the Open option so this seems to be uniquely an issue of opening from the link - and quite recent one as previously all functioned perfectly as expected.


I will try with my office computer (with nearly identical software install etc) to test if that one is having the same issue


New member | Level 2
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I have an issue where sometimes PDF files can be opened in a browser directly from a Dropbox link as such:

adobe working marked up.png


vs. this:

adobeerror marked up2.png

I'm not sure why sometimes I get the option where the file sometimes gives the option of "Open In" while other times I have to "Save as..." and download the file.  I thought it could have been that when you create a sharable link there's the view vs. edit link, but it seems like for PDF Portfolios there is no edit option.  Has anyone run into this before, knows why thi sis the cae, or knows of a solution.  A couple of months ago, we always had the option of opening the file, but recently (last month maybe) it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.

New member | Level 2
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hi there,

since yesterday I'm experiencing wrong working some sharing links

I'm part of team and every wrong working link is from my teammates, no matter which way they did the link


before yesterday when I'v got share link and opened in browser, I could open file directly into my app (for my expample Adobe Indesign or Explorer), or I could just click left bracket and go back to folder list


from yesterday I can only download file, nothing more - looks like I'm not signed or I have no rights, although I'm still signed on and I'm still part of team... one file even looks like it is deleted, but it is still there




screen 1 - correctly working link to INDD file - with Open in button and left bracket



screen two - it says file is deleted, even it is not



screen three - wrong working link - I can only download file, nothing more




screen 3 is link for same file as screen 2 generated just few minutes later


now I have too look for every file manualy in folder structure and it is big problem for our workflow and efficiency


thanks for any idea what is wrong

New member | Level 2
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I've been running into the same issue with PDF Portfolio files and also submitted a post:


I'm not sure why this worked without issue in the past, but seems to only intermittently works now.

Hannah C
Dropbox Product Manager
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Hi everyone, 


We were able to identify an issue that was causing the inconsistent behavior with the "Open In" button. This should now be resolved but please let us know if you continue to see this issue. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.


@michal_j Are you still seeing the issue where you see "This item was deleted" message on any other share links?

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