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Re: Allow files to open without preview in the mobile app, like they used to.

Allow files to open without preview in the mobile app, like they used to.

Helpful | Level 5


Drop Dropbox used to open files with default apps without the preview function. That functionality has since been removed. That functionality was very helpful to those of us using atypical files such as the CBR files consisting of zipped images that can be opened with a specific viewer.  The current version of Dropbox does not allow that and takes me to a "preview can't be opened" screen.  I then need to go to several other screens to actually open the file. I would like the functionality to be restored.  I know this problem affects users of other file types as well.

27 Replies 27

Helpful | Level 6
I checked Google Play today.
Turns out I was upgraded from the 9/21 (?I think) to a new release on 10/3. Still have the new, bad functionally having to use the "Open with...".
I need to watch the new, upcoming feature video replay and see if there's anything in there on our issue.
I might wait for one more release to see what happen, if anything.

New member | Level 2

I have the same issue. Trying to open a file of type *.KDB and it will only attempt a preview. I do have the proper app on my phone configured to open that type of file but apparently DropBox intercedes and won't do anything but attempt a preview. If DropBox app cannot preview it should proceed on to open in associated app automatically. This is a 'convenience' feature that is actually very inconvenient for users. Stop overthinking it, DropBox.

Helpful | Level 6

Hey all!

Looks like our voices have been heard.

There was a new release on Oct 17 for Android!

Now, on the preview screen, there is a link to "Open with..." so now we don't need to navigate to the 3 dots etc.


New member | Level 2

Interesting. I just set up a new phone yesterday afternoon and that update was released after that. I did just update and try it and it isn't really much progress. Instead of clicking the 3 dot menu and choosing 'Open with' now we click the file name and choose 'Open with' button. Still two clicks.


What I'd expect is an option to eliminate the preview attempt entirely, at least after the first failed preview open. The system should be smart enough (or configurable enough) to stop doing something that can never work. Setting: "Always open files associated with an app in the native app"

Helpful | Level 6
The newly implemented behavior gets us back to where we were before the issue was implemented months ago.
It would be nice if Dropbox would just open the file if the default has been specified for the file.

New member | Level 2

Not for me it doesn't. Two months ago when I clicked on my *.kdb file in the DropBox file list it just immediately opened KeePass app with the file.

Helpful | Level 6
I never had that on Android phone. What device are you using?

New member | Level 2

Pixel 5 until yesterday, now Pixel 8 Pro. And prior to the 5, the Pixel 3. Until not too long ago (can't say exactly how many weeks) when I'd open DropBox to the file list and click my *.kdb file it would just open straight away in KeePass (to the KeePass login page). Heck, even back on my Samsung Galaxy S6 Active it worked like that. Until recently I never had to do more than click the filename once.

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