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Personal / Teams ???

Free team disbanded by Dropbox

Explorer | Level 3

Hi Team,

Can someone please help with an email I received as below? Not sure what it all means 

The ???? Limited team has been disbanded by Dropbox. Your team’s folders have been converted to shared folders, and all ??? Limited groups have been deleted. Your account has been converted to a personal Dropbox plan.

Reason I ask is that we had a colleague that left our company under bad terms. 

Many thanks in advance. 

114 Replies 114

Explorer | Level 3

Up until now I've always been able to switch between my personal and my school account as they were linked. Yesterday my school one disappeared and I can't link them back to each other anymore, I have tried clicking the "link accounts" button but when I put in the details it comes up with a red error saying "sign into a team account" (I have the passwords correct too).

If i sign in through a browser or through the app I can sign into each account individually but I can't access them both at the same time and switch between anymore like I previously have always been able to. Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone know how to fix this? 

Explorer | Level 3

This morning, I received a message that says "The XXX team has been disbanded by Dropbox. Your team’s folders have been converted to shared folders, and all XXX groups have been deleted. Your account has been converted to a personal Dropbox plan. 

Under Dropbox Basic plan, I have had an ordinary individual account and a free team separately (to have more free space on top of the normal account, without sharing with other users). Now, this free team is gone and I can find the folders and contents underneath. 

I checked "Shared" in the individual account, but I do not find any folders under the free team. 

How can I find those folders and contents? Or, is it really erased completely and cannot be recovered? 

Your support will be greatly appreciated!!!

New member | Level 2


I had the same problem yesterday and I did not receive the emails they talk about saying that they will stop the free teams...

You did not lose your files. They are still on your hard drive. Follow the path : your hard drive/users/yourusername/Dropbox(work).

Helpful | Level 5


Seems I am in the same boat as a lot of other posters. Have a DB pro account and as administrator have set up a team linked account.

I have received no notification on the app on online previous to this mornings email saying the teams were being disbanded!

The ironic thing is that it is still offering to 'add a team' on my plus account!

The link to say what to do makes no sense to me, yes it is late in the day but it is not a very clear and concise explanation of what to do to rectify the problem.

I cannot locate the files in my pro folder. They are not in a shared folder. I can log into them online. I would like to be able to get all these files back into my account before they disappear into the ether!

So what is the solution? Upgrade to a business account and put all my Plus files in there and then have a free personal account for the other team members and myself or just use one drive or iCloud for all our shared team stuff?? 




Explorer | Level 3

Hi, rahan, thank you for your advice! I found it!!! So relieved.... 

New member | Level 2

My question is: " Your team’s folders have been converted to shared folders," WHERE?


New member | Level 2

I now have a paid account and the form "free teams" that is converted to DB basic. what do I need to do to link them both and have both available on my linked desktop (currently I have to sign out of one and log in to the other to switch between)  

Super User II



You cannot I'm afraid unless one is a paid BUSINESS account (ie. multiple licences)


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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New member | Level 2

Hi everybody,


same here.

I just received an email saying that my linked work account has been reverted to a regular personal account, therefore no more Team groups, even though I have a paid Plus subscription.

The files are still on my local folder, I cannot link back the Team account although I still see on my personal account the option "Link to a Team account". Of course, entering the Work account says: please enter a Team account 😕


What to do!? Whom should I contact?

Helpful | Level 6

Help!  I thought the DB notice said that when TEAMS ended our folders would still be available but I couldn't access them.  Luckily I had them backed up.   I had a large capacity non-TEMS acct to which I added the TEAMS acct years ago when it was available.  I copied my backed up folders to that acct but had to re-invite all the sharers.   DB seems to think this is a business acct because it prompted me to open a free personal acct.  I also took the offer of a free trial STANDARD business acct.   So now I'm completely confused as to which acct is which and where my files are.   One says have 5TB the other has 2TB -- but is there a way to see how much is used in  each?  My previous non-TEAMS acct had much more than 2TB because I got all my clients to join.


Is there any way to get help directly from Dropbox support?

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