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Re: Dropbox unstable in iPad OS Files App.

Dropbox unstable in iPad OS Files App.

Helpful | Level 6
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The problem I have is that Dropbox seems to crash when running on an iPAD via the apple files app. If I open an application that uses the files app, such as Pages or Final Draft, when saving to the Dropbox via the files app, it crashes the app and for the next 4 to 5 minutes if I click on drop box via the files app it just doesn’t load.
Apple has confirmed this is a Dropbox issue (I raised it with them first), and I have not been able to crash the application(s) using Google Drive via files in the same way. 
Can anyone help?
155 Replies 155

Dragon Personal Management
Helpful | Level 7
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I think I did something similar it worked for a while and then the problem started again so I am very interested to see if it works this time - let us know if you can 🙂

Dragon Personal Management
Helpful | Level 7
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Update - so I tried the cashe delete and reboot and reinstall process and it crashed with 5 mins unfortunately I have had to reboot 3 times so far today just to upload files in various apps (doing work on my finances for impending tax year end !) I now have created a reboot button on the accessibility features of iPad, so I can just click on the accessibility icon and one of my options is reboot as I have to reboot so often. This problem occurs on all my devices so it has nothing to do with my iPad.! it also happens on my wife’s as well. She also has different iPads and iPhones to me what I can’t understand. Is why Apple and dropbox clearly don’t have discussions with each other because to be honest give somebody an iPad store a few files in your dropbox folder work as normal within an hour you’ll see the problem, in fact, if you were to store say 20 files and try to upload them to any app Eg we transfer this issue  will soon show its head …..very easy for dropbox to see what’s going on and indeed Apple be nice if one of these two companies picked up the baton  but two years into this I’m not holding my breath …. I am sure that support will  continue to suggest  - delete and reinstall then reboot  along the way lol BUT  if anyone out there HAS worked using dropbox on an IOS device without getting the freeze issue or the circle of doom endlessly - would love to hear any tips 🙂 and thanks everyone for all the attempts so far !  We will get there ! You are not alone trust me I am as frustrated as everyone else here 🙂

Helpful | Level 6
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Ok, well I’m convinced. Back to iCloud.
I can’t work with the thing freezing all the time.
Any app at all on an iPad will eventually find itself frozen trying to access Dropbox.

Dragon Personal Management
Helpful | Level 7
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I agree been looking into it myself not long to go until I have to renew my Dropbox annual fee over 100 quid.

Explorer | Level 4
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I've also had this same thing happening for a couple years, on both an older iPad Pro as well as a new iPhone Pro. Both are running the latest OS. No, I'm not submitting a ticket. There's plenty of other replies here that have already explained well enough what is going on. It happens all the time when you try to interact with Dropbox via iOS' native Files app.

If anyone at Dropbox really wanted to fix it, they could easily replicate the issues just by using their own app for a day in iOS and try manipulating some files via the Files app. Try moving, copying, etc. It really doesn't take much to trigger the issues, and often times once it starts, it can only be resolved by deleting and reinstalling the Dropbox app.

Explorer | Level 3
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No one has responded to me and nothing I’ve done that was suggested has solved the problem

Explorer | Level 3
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Same for me, this problem is still there !

Explorer | Level 4
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Changing the language in configurations in Dropbox solve the issue but it happens often.

Seth L.2
New member | Level 2
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same issue here. But even when I reboot the iPad, the dropbox is unusable in files. I just tried to open a file...and while rebooting allowed me to see it, there's no way to download it or open it. Just frozen. This extends to apps beyond files: pdf expert also loses annotations to things stored in dropbox. really a shame. 

Helpful | Level 6
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Yes, it’s definitely something in the Apple <-> Dropbox interface.
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