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Managing your Dropbox subscription

Managing your Dropbox subscription

Community Manager
Update: Since we published this content piece on how to manage your Dropbox subscription, we are delighted to let you know that a limited version of Dropbox Replay is included for free with all Dropbox plans, so you get access to a media review and approve tool and Dropbox’s organization and collaboration tool, all in one place. Add any video, image or audio file right from Dropbox (or your desktop) into Replay in just a couple clicks.
And as always, Dropbox Passwords, Paper, and Capture are all included with Dropbox Plans, so check out more about them to make sure you know what you’re getting! And now, onto managing your subscription!
The time may come when you want to change your Dropbox subscription and whether you need more or less from Dropbox, we want to make sure that you have all the information you need to do just that. 

Need more space? Why not move to a plan with more storage? 

If you’re changing plans because you need more space, you can check out the plan types here, but to give you a quick summary of space: 
  •  Basic plan: 2 GB of space
  •  Plus plan: 2 TB of space
  •  Family plan: Shared 2 TB of space (up to 6 users)
  •  Professional plan: 3 TB of space
If you’re maxing out the space in your account, you could try some space saving tips here, or it could be time to upgrade your dropbox account. Learn more about the plan that suits you best and make your choice. 

What happens when I cancel my Dropbox subscription or trial?

So, you’ve decided to leave… we’ll try not to take it personally 😢


All joking aside, here are some of know when you decide to cancel your Dropbox subscription. Well, the first thing is that this doesn’t actually have to be goodbye, your account will downgrade to a Dropbox Basic account at the end of your billing cycle or trial.
So that means;
  • You’ll still have access to all of your files and folders
  • Dropbox keeps deleted versions of your files for 30 days, in case you change your mind
  • If you’re over your downgraded storage quota, Dropbox will stop syncing your files
  • Changing your Dropbox plan to Basic is not the same as deleting your Dropbox account.

Canceling or downgrading a Dropbox subscription

Depending on how you subscribed to Dropbox, there are different ways to change or cancel your subscription. If you subscribed on mobile - you will need to unsubscribe on mobile too, through iTunes or Google Play, depending on your device type.

How to cancel a Dropbox subscription or trial on an iPhone or iPad

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, tap Settings and then your name.
  2. Tap Subscriptions (about midway through the screen) and find Dropbox in the list.
  3. Tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Trial and confirm.
  4. Your account will downgrade to Dropbox Basic (free) at the end of your billing cycle. 

How to cancel a Dropbox subscription or trial on Android

If you purchased Dropbox from an Android device, you can cancel a Dropbox subscription or free trial by following these steps:
  1. Open the Dropbox mobile app and head to the Account tab in the bottom right corner.
  2. Tap Manage your subscription and then How to cancel.
  3. Tap Cancel plan at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to your subscription in Google Play.
  4. Tap Cancel subscription.
You’ll receive an email to your Google account to confirm your cancellation, and your account will downgrade to Dropbox Basic (free) at the end of your billing cycle. 

Cancel an individual Dropbox plan on desktop

If you manage your Dropbox plan on desktop then here are some easy steps to follow to cancel your subscription on desktop. Follow the steps below, and you can update your plan to match your needs. 
  1. Sign in to
  2. Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the top-right corner. 
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Plan.
  5. Click Cancel plan at the bottom of the page.
  6. Select a reason for canceling.
  7. Click Continue canceling. You’ll receive an email confirmation that your subscription has been canceled. 
So, there you have it. Whether you want to change the features you have access to, or the amount of space you need, you can manage your Dropbox account to fit your needs. If you have any questions about managing your plan, drop them in the comments below and we can get you answers! 
2 Replies 2

New member | Level 2

The steps under "How to change an individual Dropbox plan" don't appear in my account. There's no 'Plan' section, only a "Delete my Dropbox" option. How can I downgrade to a free plan without deleting my account?

Super User II

@MattPlatypus wrote:

The steps under "How to change an individual Dropbox plan" don't appear in my account. There's no 'Plan' section, only a "Delete my Dropbox" option.

Open this link. What plan does it say you're on? If it says Basic, then the account you're signed into is not on a paid subscription so there's nothing to downgrade.


If that's the case but you're still paying for a subscription, use the credit card charge lookup tool to identify the account you're paying for.

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