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Upload option disappeared

Upload option disappeared

New member | Level 2
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For a couple of months now we have been sharing sub folders with non-Dropbox users who have had the ability to upload files without issue.


For some reason, this has now changed and the presence of the upload button has now dissappeared from their view. Instead they only have the ability to Sign In or 'Direct Download' or 'Save to my Dropbox'


This is affecting our business operations and therefore need resolution ASAP


Have already switched browsers and cleared browsing histories 

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Super User II
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Norah2 wrote:

Instead they only have the ability to Sign In or 'Direct Download' or 'Save to my Dropbox'

A couple of things jump out at me here...


If they're not signed in, they can't upload to a shared folder. Dropbox has never allowed uploads to a shared folder unless the user was logged in to their account and a member of the shared folder with edit access. You state that these people are non-Dropbox users, so that usually means you've provided a link to the folder instead.


If this is a share link to a folder, as opposed to a shared folder, then Dropbox has never allowed uploads to a share link. A share link is a view and/or download method of sharing and does not allow for uploads.


The only way to allow uploads from a non-Dropbox user is to use a File Request.


How, exactly, are these folders being shared with those users?


[This thread is now closed due to inactivity. If you have a similar or new question, you can ask here]

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Super User II
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Norah2 wrote:

Instead they only have the ability to Sign In or 'Direct Download' or 'Save to my Dropbox'

A couple of things jump out at me here...


If they're not signed in, they can't upload to a shared folder. Dropbox has never allowed uploads to a shared folder unless the user was logged in to their account and a member of the shared folder with edit access. You state that these people are non-Dropbox users, so that usually means you've provided a link to the folder instead.


If this is a share link to a folder, as opposed to a shared folder, then Dropbox has never allowed uploads to a share link. A share link is a view and/or download method of sharing and does not allow for uploads.


The only way to allow uploads from a non-Dropbox user is to use a File Request.


How, exactly, are these folders being shared with those users?


[This thread is now closed due to inactivity. If you have a similar or new question, you can ask here]

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