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Why have I lost all my photos on my account?

Why have I lost all my photos on my account?

New member | Level 2

What is the point if having your service when you have deleted ALL of the photos i have in the world? When i signed up it was free and never did it say it was going to delete all my pictures but you did. Whats the point? This is the worst case scenario to sign up for a service that says it’s going to store your photos only to log in later, and have them all deleted and unretrievable . So with that in mind what is the point of tour service? Then you won’t let me use the appropriate labels as far as predatory destructive and other applicable terms. What are you only allowed to say nice things when that’s not what you’re doing what you’re doing is not nice.

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Dropbox Staff

Hi @O2bDiana, thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Let's see if we can locate those photos that were deleted from your account. 


Are you able to see them on the events page or the deleted files page?


This will help me to assist further.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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