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Re: Latest version of Dropbox Business has botched our folders with no support

New named Dropbox structure

Helpful | Level 6

I am a user of DropBox Business, on Windows 10.

Last week, I suddenly realized that the shortcuts to some of my Dropbox folders were broken.

A quick look learned me that the structure had changed.

While I used to access my folder through:

C:/User/{username}/Dropbox (COMPANY NAME)/, I can now find them at:
C:/User/{username}/{COMPANY NAME} Dropbox/MyFirstName LASTNAME/


Now, both structures seem to remain while the first one is now a hidden shortcut (although I can't seem to see where it links to).

So that I don't really know where my files actually are.

Is this change documented anywhere?




After a couple of days, I realized this happened to all of this Dropbox Business users across the company, Mac and Windows, and that it messes up with backup strategies.


I didn't find anything about this new structure in DropBox's changelog.

156 Replies 156

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Rinconman, thanks for posting on our Community!


For starters, note that even though you can't completely opt out of this upgrade, you can keep postponing it until you're completely ready to move forward. 


As for the advantage this offers, the new Dropbox Business organizes your team’s content into a consistent folder structure called the team space. Each user is also given an individual (and hidden) team member folder for their individual work.


The member folder always has the same name as the user and it’s the best place for users to keep work stuff that they don’t necessarily want to share with the entire team.

Even though the team member folder is inside the shared workspace, only that specific user can see or access its contents.

The member folder is also where things like saved screenshots will go, and will be the default location when users choose to “add to Dropbox” from other applications.


Team admins will also have access to this folder via the "Sign-in as user" feature.


Shared folders and shared links to files shouldn't be affected by the upgrade at this point. 


As for the folder paths you mention, you seem to got them correctly, but I can't be 100% sure without seeing the actual paths.


I hope this helps a tad and please let me know if you have any other questions. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

Yeah, not a "feature" I had been looking for either.


Something went wrong during my "upgrade" so I now have two dropbox folders. The one has (old) added to its name and contains all my files.

The other only has an empty Pictures folder.


Dropbox says it's downloading 125,866 files which will take around 2 days to finish.

Not really the way I wanted to start my Monday.


I'm the admin for this account but I do not recall having seen any important updates coming to your dropbox message. At least no email that stood out and made me think I needed to take any action.


So what do I do? Wait two days for dropbox to sync the new folder and fill up my disk with a second copy of all my files?


Any suggestions would be very welcome



New member | Level 2

We have experienced the same mess - it has taken my PC 5 days to sync correctly and for the upgrade to be complete.  The other team accounts are still syncing/updating.  We're all working off different file/folder versions and it is a nightmare.  Why make such a drastic change and in August too?  I was on hols when the email came in, giving me no time to prepare!

Explorer | Level 4

Dropbox upgraded overnight and now my files have been "moved". I cannot open anything. It is stating it has been moved. 

New member | Level 2

Dropbox updated automatically on my computer and my colleagues computers and has altered the file structure.

I found my files but WHY ? did they make such drastic change ?   It took a very long time to "update" and now im not sure if all the various shared folders I have work anymore. 


New member | Level 2

It also recreated a set up that loaded all my files to my C drive when I previously had them on my D drive.  Now I have two copies of everything and my computers memory has maXED OUT.  tHIS IS SO ANNOYING.  WTF !  Now I need to delete files and I dont know which to delete.,     AFU ! 


Thoroughly P'd off. 

Dropbox Staff

Hey @AN26 and @simonemwood, thanks for reaching out to our Community.


Do you mean to say that the Dropbox application was updated and when the update finished, your folder structure had changed?


Or are you referring to a different kind of upgrade/update?


Any additional info you can give us would be really helpful.


@AN26, can you please send us a screenshot of this 'has been moved' message that you're getting?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Simon W.37
New member | Level 2



Thanks for responding.

After a lot of heartache we have (I think ) got to the bottom of this problem, though we haven't resolved the effects.


To be clear we did not get a notification that files had been moved rather we just noticed after not finding them that they just shifted to newly and automatically created folders (last night). 

Apparently Dropbox sent a message out to group Admins a week ago that they were going to update the system. 


Rather than giving users the option of being included in this update by confirming agreement to it they gave an option to "delay or opt out" and if no response was received then.... too bad!, your whole system would be rearranged automatically.   Thoroughly irresponsible!   This might be Ok for some teams but not for us.  We are an architectural firm who have several remote users.  Almost all of our drawing files have externally referenced files embedded in them.  For this to work properly it requires file paths that DO NOT change.  We have thousands of files with thousands of other files referenced.    The update renamed the principal folders and also added in a completely new subfolder folder and as a consequence of this many of our drawing files no longer work with their externally referenced files.  We will have to go through them one by one (whenever we need to read/use one) and re-path all the xrefs. 


Simon W.37
New member | Level 2


File path that was :

X:/Dropbox(SWA Architects)/Jobs/1709 Gevers/dwg/1 plan/xp-2-RCP-L2


is now:

X:/SWA Architects Dropbox/SWA TCI/Jobs/1709 Gevers/dwg/1 plan/xp-2-RCP-L2


Simon W.37
New member | Level 2

If there is a way to undo this "upgrade" and set everything back to the way it was please let me know ! 

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