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Files uploaded via file request are added and then, almost immediately, deleted.

Files uploaded via file request are added and then, almost immediately, deleted.

Explorer | Level 3

Hi all, long time user here running a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro and up to date Dropbox Basic with 20 Gb storage. I have been using file requests for several years with no problems. In that time people have sent me between 1-10 files. I just created a new request and told people to drag and drop a folder which contains between 100 to 500 files. Tonight the first person sent in their folder containing 180 files. Inside the request folder, their folder showed up followed by the first file. After that the next file would show up briefly in my computer and then disappear. This went on for the remaining 178 files. I went online and hit the deleted files and there they all were. I then recovered all the files and they all showed up in the online folder and within a short time they showed on my computer.


In trying to determine the problem I uploaded my own folder with 590 files and the same thing happened. I recovered all files and then they stuck and made it to my computer.


I have several other people that will upload their files in the next few days and wish to not have this problem. Maybe a reboot would solve the issue but it seems to be on the Dropbox server as they were all being deleted on the server after briefly showing on my computer and poof, gone.


Anyone willing to take a stab at this anomaly?

17 Replies 17

Dropbox Staff

Hey @PtboPete! Thanks for posting this on our Community. 


When testing this on your end, did you create a recording of the issue, by any chance? That’d be really helpful to investigate this further.


Did you also upload files via the file request, while testing, or with these steps


Can you go to your Events page and let me know if it reports something more? If it does, feel free to send me a screenshot of what you see.


Keep me in the loop for more updates.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3
  1. Sorry, no recording. In explorer the file showed for 1-2 seconds then gone, same for web.
  2. Uploaded via file request, the same way others would be doing it. Drag desktop folder onto landing zone and hit upload.
  3. Events page shows file uploaded, then the next, then the next etc. No sign of deleting (except the ones I manually deleted)


Dropbox Staff

Thanks for the extra info, @PtboPete! Does the same thing happen, if you open a new file request and upload a small number of files to it now?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

No such luck. I created a request called testing and it auto created a folder by that name. I grabbed a folder called IC 5070-sub which contains jpg and fit files. Dragged, dropped and let it do its thing. I monitored on my desktop and a new folder inside testing was created called "IC 5070-sub Peter [removed per Community Guidelines]" each file came in and in 2 seconds was gone. I should also mention another folder was created called "Peter [removed per Community Guidelines]-IC 5070-sub" which disappeared after the transfer was completed.


Once the whole procedure was complete I checked the deleted files in the web and they were all there.


As an added test I grabbed 9 individual files (no folder) and dragged them to the landing zone and each one was copied and then deleted. Here is a link to the screenshot, [removed to prevent excess traffic]



Shouldn't need to but wondering if a reinstall might be in order..... Hmmm, I'm going to try on another machine and see what happens there.

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for keeping us in the loop on this @PtboPete 


If you notice that this happens on other machines and/or networks as well, please let us know and we'll reach out via email to investigate further. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Tried a new file request on my desktop machine with the same result. However, once the upload is complete and deleted I can recover all files but each one has a "X" in the bottom left corner (on computer)

See linked screenshot, [removed to prevent excess traffic]




This tells me that my account has gone wonky. I'm going to setup a new account on my new laptop and try again. Will advise the results.

Explorer | Level 3

Well boys and girls, we have liftoff! I opened a new (OK it's an old forgotten account) on my new laptop and tried yet another file request. Opened the link on my old laptop and uploaded that same folder as before. It worked like a charm.So we can deduce that my current account itself needs a reset. However, over time sending other people to DB I have amassed 20.38 GB of space and I certainly don't want to lose that. My files are not an issue as they are all backed up. So where do we go from here?

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Peter! Can we go ahead and log you a ticket, like Walter mentioned above? We can contact you to the email address shown here, if that’s the one linked to the Dropbox account in question.

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Explorer | Level 3

Thanks Nancy, please proceed with the ticket. Please note that the email [removed] is a virtual address that points to  [removed]  For what ever reason Dropbox does not see this as a real address and tells me so and only a handful of emails makes it through. When I created a second account using [removed]  I only received the initial welcome email but no how no way could I receive the confirm your email post. I have tested both on several different computers and accounts and they all go through properly, but not Dropbox. Thanks to all for any help.


[personal information removed per the Community's Guidelines]

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