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Re: Not receiving my verification email on outlook

Not receiving my verification email on outlook

Gareth W.
New member | Level 1

I am currently working and it is really important to share and access files through dropbox. For some unknown reason I am not receiving my verification email. It is really important for me to get this sorted and I have tried changing my browser but no success. I cannot change me email as it is my work email and I have clients assigned to it. Hopefully this can be manually rectified and I can start using the service!


20 Replies 20

Gareth W.
New member | Level 1

Thank you

Marco P.
New member | Level 1

Hi Gareth, 

I'm sorry to hear that you're still having this problem and I'd be happy to help! 

For security purposes, I'd have to move this conversation to emails. I just sent you an email to your email address. Please follow up from there. 



Tegin R.
New member | Level 1

Having the exact same issue. I referenced this forum in the ticket I submitted

I am not receiving any emails to my outlook account from dropbox (email verfication, file request email). I already tried adding the dropbox email to my address book -- did not help. I had to change the email on the account to my personal email in order to facilitate some file sharing I needed, but I ultimately need to be able to use my work email. I don't think it's a domain issue since i'm able to access the website, so not sure what the issue might be. I saw a forum where someone was having the exact same issue, but the discussion was taken offline so I don't know how it was resolved.

This is a big issue.



and got this response:

Pierre, Dec 18, 11:54 AM:

Hi Tegin,

Thank you for reaching out to us about this issue you are experiencing.

As I understand it, you are unable to receive correspondence to your outlook email account. You have changed the email on the account.

As it happens, Dropbox is only able to send correspondence to the email associated with the account. Therefor, if you would like to receive emails to your work email, that email will need to be associated with the account.

Attempt to change your email to the email you need to receive correspondence to. This will then enable you to verify that email. Attempt to verify the email and see if you receive corrospondance. If you are still unable, please reply to this email from the email in question so that we may verify your identity an further help you with your request.

If you have any other questions please let me know.



Not at all helpful. I don't think he even read my entire email. If using that email and sending the verification had worked, there wouldn't be a need for a ticket in the first place.

Hopefully resolved soon, but I echo Gareth's frustration with the customer service.

hershal s.
New member | Level 1

lol I miraculously had the same problem, made my own thread and was told to visit this thread!

don't know if dropbox is laughing at us

Sarah H.47
New member | Level 1

This is so frustrating... I am having exactly the same issue.  I was told to follow this thread.  Whats the point in following everyone who has the same problem when no one replies to sort the issue out.  Why don't they just say that they don't know how to fix the issue and ill delete Drop Box and find a different way of sharing files.  So unhelpful

hershal s.
New member | Level 1

I wonder how long we can keep this tread going!

New member | Level 1


All filters disabled, added no-reply as a contact, nothing in spam, nothing in junk, clicked on damn 're-send verification email' at least 100 times, have my outlook inbox open in another tab, waiting, AND NOTHING!!! NOTHING AT ALL!! NO VERIFICATION EMAIL!!!!


DROPBOX: If you're gonna make the entire account dependent on the verification email you make darn sure your automated verification email system works PERFECTLY!!!


Mark S.87
New member | Level 1

I am also having the same problem of not receiving verification email to my account for new Box account verification.  I see on this thread that no resolution after over 1 year.  Looks like I will go to Drop Box.

New member | Level 2

Well i have changed email addresses - passwords and everything in between ! How can i  verify this account, SMS ????? cmon drop box !

@carljohan wrote:

Hi Gareth,
Thanks for following up and sorry to hear that this isn't fixed. Our support team would be happy to help you with this. In order to get in contact with them, please go to and select the options that best fits your question to find a solution to your question or to submit a ticket to our support team.
Also, if you are not receiving the password reset email, you can temporarily change the email associated with your Dropbox account to another email to see if you receive the verification mail.


New member | Level 2

please help me as well, my email is

i have tried all day and everything !

Need more support?