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File request keeps giving me a "the following characters are not allowed" error.

File request keeps giving me a "the following characters are not allowed" error.

New member | Level 2

Has anyone gotten an error message when you want to send a folder to request files? I am getting this but I am not using any special characters at all!

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 10.29.19 AM.jpg

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

Hey @sandraguel! Thanks for your post. 


Does the exact same error appear on different browsers/incognito mode? 


Have you tried opening a file request with a different title, as a test, and Dropbox still doesn't allow you to? 


Finally, can you check the solution provided here and let me know if it helps? 


Keep me in the loop for any updates.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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