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Re: Slow Startup

Desktop app is slow when starting up, and slows down the computer while doing so

Quang N.3
New member | Level 1
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Why does it take so long to start up dropbox? While it's starting up, other programs are very slow, almost unresponsive. It takes over 20 minutes to show starting/syncing completed. I have 16gb ram, window 7. The start up speed is critical during such time as trying to use the computer to print items for meeting and it freezes up because dropbox is starting and you cannot even stop it from starting, of course there's the option of exiting.

40 Replies 40

Ricardo H.1
New member | Level 1
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Tom B.58
Explorer | Level 4
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I have the same problem and it's driving me insane. Startup takes at least 20 minutes and renders my computer useless while it sorts itself out. Please fix this!

Cory S.3
New member | Level 2
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+1 DB start up is painfully slow. I'm sitting here waiting for my DB client to index my files. I just changed one file since I last booted up this computer...

Explorer | Level 3
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Same here with one of my users...  using paid DB!!!

sharing files on 5 computers... only one (CEO's) is unresponsive for like 20+ minutes (on Windows startup) until DP syncs/indexes... HDtune shows hard disk performance on a 2-3 MB/sec level.... after DB is done, hard drive speed is back to 120...60 MB/sec...  have screenshots... 🙂

130 GB of files... some 46k files...



New member | Level 2
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Same problem for me. Really slow start up, it slows down my entire computer to a unusable level.



Auden G.
New member | Level 2
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Even pretermitting the underying problem, the mere fact that DB support NEVER chimed in on this thread is extremely disconcerting and disappointing. Totally unacceptable!

New member | Level 2
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Slow startup of dropbox on a mac, slowing everything down. Same issue as everyone else.

Dropbox Staff
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Hi @Auden G. and all,


 Slow start up is actually a symptom of a problem. As such we can't simply publish a singular solution, if you reach out to support we will look at all the variables in your individual setup and talk you through a variety of troubleshooting steps, isolating your individual root causes and advising how to resolve them.


Should you wish a Dropboxer to respond, then submitting a ticket via or emailing support@ would be the best route. The community here is an environment for users to support each other so, while we do like to chime in on threads, the best avenue for direct support, would be through /Support.


Hope this helps

New member | Level 2
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I would love to contact support, but as a Dropbox Partner (apparently not for much longer) I don't have access to support.

Explorer | Level 4
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Such a hope seems doomed to be dashed.  Any decent customer-support effort would compile a list of common issues and solutions so the can refer everyone first to that list before directing them to customer support.  


Message for Dropbox: please compile this list for Mac users and make it widely available.


Bottom line: I pay for extra storage but in return I get poorer system performance.  I know it has to do in part with how many files I keep sync'd on my machine, but that is my business.  Dropbox's business is to provide the service I pay for without undermining the service I provide.  If this isn't fixed soon, I will cancel the service and move to Box or some such.

Need more support?