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Re: Copy public link is not working on

Copy public link is not working on

Seneca M.
New member | Level 1
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 Hi I've been using that COPY PUBLIC LINK from for years and at first it used to actually copy it to the windows copy buffer as it should.  Over the past couple of months it would pop the address as it should but it stopped being able to automatically copy to the copy buffer, but luckily i could still do it myself manually by manually selecting the text and hitting ctrl-c.  In the latest build of, it doesn't even list the address to the file anymore and obviously it couldn't copy to the buffer beforehands but now i can't do it manually either!  😞

so i can't share any files from right now!  😞  I've tried in both google chrome and firefox and same issue with both.  As for which version of windows i'm running, it's the up to date win10....   Thanks in advance.


105 Replies 105

Super User II
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As has been stated, the Share button provides the same functionality with just one extra click. It's a perfectly acceptable work-around for now.

If you had a ticket open for this, add a reply stating that it's happening again. For those of your that don't already have a ticket open for this, why don't you?

Dropbox Staff
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Hi all,

Thanks for notifying us about this. Good news - our engineers already fixed this issue, we just need to push this code fix to our servers. This should happen later today. Could you please try again in a few hours or tomorrow, you should find it working again. If not, please let us know.

Super User II
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Thanks for the update, Sofia, and for the effort put in to resolving this!

Mohammed L.1
Explorer | Level 3
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Thanks a lot, Sofia, the 'coping public link' issue has already been fixed. But, do you not think that a link to be copied is too far long to be inserted in a 3rd party websites? The shortening feature is no longer working.

Oscar Y.
New member | Level 2
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Hi Stefanie,

I got this problem today and it is not working now. Do you have any idea about what is going on?
thank you

Super User II
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Mohammed L.1 wrote:

The shortening feature is no longer working.

The shorten link function has been removed from Dropbox. This has been slowly happening for the last couple of years as the feature was removed from various parts of the service. If you would like to continue to shorten any of your links, you will want to look for services that focus specifically on providing that feature, such as or


Oscar Y. wrote:

I got this problem today and it is not working now. Do you have any idea about what is going on?

It seems to be working fine here. Try clearing your browser's cache/browsing history and try again, or try another browser.


Copy Public LinkCopy Public Link

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