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Re: Copy public link is not working on

Copy public link is not working on

Seneca M.
New member | Level 1
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 Hi I've been using that COPY PUBLIC LINK from for years and at first it used to actually copy it to the windows copy buffer as it should.  Over the past couple of months it would pop the address as it should but it stopped being able to automatically copy to the copy buffer, but luckily i could still do it myself manually by manually selecting the text and hitting ctrl-c.  In the latest build of, it doesn't even list the address to the file anymore and obviously it couldn't copy to the buffer beforehands but now i can't do it manually either!  😞

so i can't share any files from right now!  😞  I've tried in both google chrome and firefox and same issue with both.  As for which version of windows i'm running, it's the up to date win10....   Thanks in advance.


105 Replies 105

Peter W H.
New member | Level 1
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I am having the same problem as everyone else.  PLEASE Dropbox, fix this as soon as possible !

Jamie L.11
New member | Level 1
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Having the same issue, made a ticket earlier in the week when this first started to occur.

Hopefully a fix is on it's way.

Bastian T.
New member | Level 1
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actually found an easy workaround:

just click on the file name itself so it opens in a new window with the file shown centered. Then upper right corner click share, from there you see the link, click copy to clipboard.

This works, is just two clicks more then usual.

Jamie L.11
New member | Level 1
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That does indeed solve the problem, a little more longwinded but still the same functionality.

It's a shame there still needs to be a workaround after 4 days but hey.




Alastair G.
New member | Level 1
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Bastian T; Jamie L - regret this does not work for me. I upload MP3 audio files to a 3rd party website, and using your work-around I see the message 'this folder can only be shared as a link'. So I create a link, then copy and paste, but the file just keeps buffering.


C'mon Dropbox, please get this sorted. It can't be rocket science. At least speak to us...

Light A.
New member | Level 1
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I get the message "'this folder can only be shared as a link" too, though I try to share an image.

Bastian T.
New member | Level 1
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hmm I got it only tested with zip files, no idea about other files.

dw s.
Helpful | Level 7
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@Bastian T - I tried that with a single image file and it works but unfortunately anyone you send the link to, who does not have a Dropbox account, will only see the image on a Dropbox page with a box in front of image inviting them to join Dropbox etc and they have to close that box to see the image. So the other workaround provided by Richard p near the start of this thread works better.


Here shows the difference...

Super User II
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Here shows the difference...

Note: The first link is a Public link. The second is a Share Link. It does not work the same way a Public Link does (it displays the file on a preview page by default, when the link is unmodified). Share links can be created anywhere in your account and are not limited to the Public folder like Public links are. This is one of the reasons Public Links are a deprecated feature and no longer come with new accounts.

dw s.
Helpful | Level 7
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My account is one of the older accounts that I've had for years. It would therefore appear that the 'Copy Public link' function has now been deprecated for older accounts too??

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