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Re: Copy public link is not working on

Copy public link is not working on

Seneca M.
New member | Level 1
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 Hi I've been using that COPY PUBLIC LINK from for years and at first it used to actually copy it to the windows copy buffer as it should.  Over the past couple of months it would pop the address as it should but it stopped being able to automatically copy to the copy buffer, but luckily i could still do it myself manually by manually selecting the text and hitting ctrl-c.  In the latest build of, it doesn't even list the address to the file anymore and obviously it couldn't copy to the buffer beforehands but now i can't do it manually either!  😞

so i can't share any files from right now!  😞  I've tried in both google chrome and firefox and same issue with both.  As for which version of windows i'm running, it's the up to date win10....   Thanks in advance.


105 Replies 105

New member | Level 1
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@Richard P.

I don't have the time to play with this workaround, there are other services that do teh same as dropbox did, select a file, and copy the damned link, if it doesn't work tomorrow I'll have to move my entire database to a different service provider because i need to work and have constant access to my database.

I don't have the time to fiddle with typing into the link when even google drive never has this issue (aside from security issues, otherwise I would use theirs service).

Paul W.61
New member | Level 1
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Same problem! Come on, all my clients are hassling me for their artwork!!

Yoni E.
New member | Level 1
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same issue! 


I can't copy COPY PUBLIC LINK from .


Dropbox team WAKE UP !!!!

Fresh Wind C.
New member | Level 1
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We noticed last week that only the long URL worked, the short URL option did not generate the URL as usual. This week the copy shared link does not work at all. Apparently we are in the same boat as others. DropBox we all need for you to fix this broken feature.

Mark M.62
New member | Level 1
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Sorry but "very annoying" doesn't come close to capturing the seriousness of this problem which is now several days old and symptomatic of a larger configuration management and testing problem.  

I love DropBox.  But I want some love in return.  And I want it now.   


Super User II
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Dropbox is aware of this issue. I'll post another reply as soon as more information is available.

Cross-linking for reference:

  • [removed old links]

This reply will be updated with other posts as they are closed and redirected here.

Alexander C.13
New member | Level 1
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Sample problem here 😞

kind regards

Jeroen B.5
New member | Level 1
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I have the same problem. A "work around" I was not aware of does help me for now, perhaps it can help others that have responded here: 

I go to the file I want to have the public link from using my Windows File browser:

Next I use the right-click function to open up a follow up menu:

Next I click "Copy public link" (the menu is in Dutch, it's the option "Openbare link kopiëren.." and the link is properly put in the clipboard. 

This works for me for now, hopefully some of you are helped with this temporary work around as well, it seems DropBox is now well aware of the problem in the web environment and working on it.





DJ F.1
New member | Level 1
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Jereon B has the right answer.

I opened the Dropbox folder on my computer and then right clicked on the picture I wanted and chose "copy public link". It copied the correct link and my picture posted the way I wanted it to.



New member | Level 1
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I'm not using the software app because I use the external web browser as storage for work stuff.

I have access to dropbox from work so i don't need to do this and have gazilion copies of the same files, cuz that basically kills the idea of having access to your files externally.

Than, while most of users will apreciate this solution, I am currently moving files to another service, because it seems i'll need to drop the box.

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