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Re: Clearing Dropbox cache on iPhone

How to clear the Dropbox mobile app cache on iPhone/iPad?

Marcus D.9
Explorer | Level 4
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Using an iPhone 5C running iOS 9.1 and Dropbox 4.0.4. The iOS Dropbox app itself is only 55.8 MB in size, however my iPhone is reporting that Dropbox is using a total of 300+ MB in Documents and Data. I have zero files marked as "Offline" within the Dropbox app, so the app should not be storing any Documents or Data locally on my iPhone.

I realize the Documents and Data referenced are most likely the result of recent files being cached by the app, but if this is the case, is there any way to manually clear that cache? Or set a limit of cache size? Currently, uninstalling and reinstalling the app is the only solution I've found, which is far from what I'd consider a "solution". I have to uninstall the app, reinstall it, sign in, wait for 2-factor auth code to enter, set up my Passcode again, set up the Camera Upload again...just a horrible overall process just to clear out the cache.

There are other apps which allow you to either set a cache size, or some that include an option to manually clear the cache. Either one of these options would be better than nothing at all.

107 Replies 107

Damiano C.1
New member | Level 2
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It's unbelievable that we pay money for this service and still we get no feedback from Dropbox. I just don't use the app anymore, it's time to move on to Amazon, at least they answer to their customers.

Adam H.27
New member | Level 1
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Unfortunately I've already discontinued my Pro subscription and switched to OneDrive as their iOS app has a cache clear feature. Not sure how well it works, but at least MS is making an effort. I grew tired of doing battle with lack of free space on my 16GB work issued iPhone. 

Damiano C.1
New member | Level 2
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Nice tip Adam, I guess I'll do the same as soon as my yearly contract will end. I made this mistake to trust the company and pay for the whole year. Next time 1month subscription first. 

Darren C.10
New member | Level 1
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Months later. Same issue. No solution from Dropbox. Well it's time to drop box for me!

D W.2
New member | Level 1
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I uninstalled the Dropbox app earlier this week—I had no other choice! ☹️

I can't understand why the company's REAL EMPLOYEES do not address this problem. Instead, users come to these forums and seek solutions, but the fact is NONE of US knows. The colossal failure for this company to understand their customers circumstances, and to—at a minimum—show some sort of concern is bewildering.

To the CEO & other executives: Don't bother creating this tech super company of the future if you can't master the simple basics of customer service.

Bill Z.2
New member | Level 1
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My issues are similar, but my concern is Security related.. I need all dropbox data removed once finished so that there is no chance of it falling in the wrong hands.. No way to clear this Cached Data..?? Really...??  Just one more blinding example of Corporate Mediocrity. (Note: Google Drive though far from perfect does have a simple Clear Cache method in it's settings menu.)

Sion S.
New member | Level 1
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My issue is similar... I am planning on getting a 128gb iphone instead of waiting for drop box to respond to this problem. There is literally NO POINT IN USING DROPBOX ON IPHONE if this "cloud" app is taking up so much space.

Alfredo bicho V
New member | Level 1
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I uninstalled this app and my contents are now being migrated to Microsoft's OneDrive.

Dear Dropbox: you lost one user due to your negligence

Louise P.3
New member | Level 2
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It's unbelievable that we pay for a Pro service and still have to face this stupid basic issue.

I see this topic is here since oct 2015, now it's july 2016 and still no solution.

I'm tired of having to reinstall the app to restore some space in my 16 GB iPhone, can anyone from the Dropbox team just do something about it?

Mike K.61
Collaborator | Level 9
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Fu G. November 16, 2015 12:50
"That is for sure a major flaw preventing a serious use of this app: I'm confident it will be fixed soon."


 I'm a very long time Dropbox Pro user, getting ready to leave because they are obviously willfully ignoring lower-end customers… There's far too many usability features missing and very obvious omissions. They are not trying to make this service better, they obviously just don't care.

Dropbox, I can't believe you found a way to make Google and Microsoft look like the more attractive options.

 Their employees have a reputation locally here in San Francisco for being particularly obnoxious to the locals, as well. Google Dropbox AND sf AND soccer field.


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