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Re: can't establish a secure connection

Cannot establish a secure connection after dropbox update to 111.4.472

Helpful | Level 6
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After the dropbox app (Window 10) updates itself to the latest 111.4.472 version, I'm getting this 'Cannot establish a secure connection'.

I've checked my time on my laptop, router. It's fine. I've disabled firewalls and the whole Eset Security. I've checked my ports. Everything is fine. I've turned off the proxy setting inside app. Scanned my system for viruses, nothing fount. The only solution is to revert back to the older version, but if I do so, the app will update itself so I'm at the beginning.

440 Replies 440

Helpful | Level 5
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I still have the same problem with the new Beta update of Dropbox.

It looks like Dropbox is being blocked by ESET SSL Scanning. I have disabled SSL temporarily because I need my Dropbox files.

But this is not a secured situation so I hope there will be a solution soon.



New member | Level 2
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Thank you, Walter.  This most definitely worked for me! I'm up and running again :champagne:
Question: does it keep using beta's from now on, or will it upgrade to the 'normal' version with the next update?

New member | Level 2
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In the last two days I have been experiencing this problem with the Dropbox app in my desktop.
Nothing has changed in software or hardware I am normally using.

I have tried the following:


1. Check my pc time/date settings.
2. Connect with a different router.

3. Reboot pc and router.

4. Disable the firewall.

5. Disable ESET antivirus.

Nothing of the above have helped to solve the problem.
What else can I do?
In pc that I use at home, the dropbox app works.




New member | Level 2
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My laptops Dropbox app isn't working - the icon is greyed out and it has this error message at the bottom: 'can't establish secure internet connection'.


I've tried un and reinstalling the app and each time it says my laptops dates and time is incorrect. I have checked the date & time in both the general and system settings (via Command Prompt for the second), I've checked the proxy settings in Dropbox, I've tried pausing my antivirus and have checked there's no firewalls blocking it.


I've also tried various Command Prompts and restarted my laptop several times. Has anyone else had this issue?


It was working fine until today unfortunately!

Explorer | Level 3
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I am having this EXACT problem since last night.  I've tried reinstalling multiple times.  WTH? 


Dropbox Staff
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Hey there @olaab, I've just moved your post here since this is a more recent thread.


Please try the beta version of the app from here, and let us know if you're still having this issue with that version.


@Robertdam, as you're using ESET too, I've just reached out to the email linked with your profile here, so that we can look into this in more detail through out Support channel.


When you have a moment, please check your inbox for my message and get back to me there - thanks!

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Well, I have exact the same issue. Looks like a huge bug in Dropbox. Very annoying!

Helpful | Level 5
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ESET just answered my query with instructions:


Grazie per aver contattato il supporto tecnico ESET Italia.

siamo al corrente della problematica.

per risolvere:

  1. Chiudere tutti i browser e i client di posta e le applicazioni aperte
  2. Disabilitare il filtro SSL/TLS, questo dovrebbe eliminare tutti i certificati memorizzati nella cache(Configurazione---> Configurazione avanzata--->Web ed Email--->SSL/TLS )
  3. aggiornare DropBox alla nuova versione
  4. Aprire l'app Dropbox e verificare se l'anomalia persiste
  5. ri abiliti il filtro SSL/TLS e verificare se l'anomalia persiste

But then I asked how to update DB to most recent version and the answer was:

effettui la procedura indicata, senza aggiornare la versione di Dropbox, e verifichi che tutto funziona

per l'aggiornamento della versione di Dropbox installata può scaricare da questo link il file di installazione:

altrimenti contattare il supporto tecnico di Dropbox


It seems to me others have done this with no success. Am I right? I hesitate to try.



New member | Level 2
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Like many in this discussion, I am receiving an "Incorrect Date / Time secure connection error" on my windows 10 Pro HP Envy laptop.  Dropbox app version 111.4.472 Everything was working awesome, then two days ago the error began. I have taken the following steps:


I made sure the proxy is set to no proxy

I set the date and time to auto-update and the date and time, and time zone are correct in both the system tray and the bios.

I temporarily disabled  the Windows Defender Firewall and ESET NOD 32 virus protection

I restarted my Xfinity Gateway

I have shut down and restarted the laptop multiple times.


After all of these steps, the issue persists and I am unable to gain a secure connection. 


Your help in getting dropbox connected and working normally is greatly appreciated.





Explorer | Level 4
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Eseguita la procedura della disattivazione SSL/TLS, adesso si connette perfettamente, Grazie per il supporto.
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