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Re: Cannot establish a secure connection after dropbox update to 111.4.472

Cannot establish a secure connection after dropbox update to 111.4.472

Helpful | Level 6
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After the dropbox app (Window 10) updates itself to the latest 111.4.472 version, I'm getting this 'Cannot establish a secure connection'.

I've checked my time on my laptop, router. It's fine. I've disabled firewalls and the whole Eset Security. I've checked my ports. Everything is fine. I've turned off the proxy setting inside app. Scanned my system for viruses, nothing fount. The only solution is to revert back to the older version, but if I do so, the app will update itself so I'm at the beginning.

440 Replies 440

Explorer | Level 4
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Hi everyone, the Dropbox team released a latest beta update -112.3.254- that fixes the issue, mine is back up running, i recommend you all install and will be able to sync your files 😉

Helpful | Level 6
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See this thread. Your not alone with this problem. 


It's a problem with a broken version, that was automatically updated.


Try the beta mentioned here. Worked for me. 

New member | Level 2
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Ho lo stesso problema anche io, dall'aggiornamento 111.4.472.

La cosa strana è che il problema è sul desktop, mentre sul portatile finziona tutto perfettamente.

Ho provato a disattivare eset, ma il problema persiste, aprendo il programma e cliccando sulle preferenze NON vedo neanche l'account.

Cosa posso fare per risolvere il problema?




Angel Quinteiro TA
Explorer | Level 3
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Instalé la beta

parece funcionar ... pero ten en cuenta que es una versión beta

Explorer | Level 4
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Helpful | Level 6
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Hi. Can we get an offical reply on this topic please? The problem started on last friday and people keep piling up in this thread.


Is the topic under investigation? When can we go back from beta to stable version? 


Regards. Sneaker42


Explorer | Level 4
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Перестала работать синхронизация. Версия приложения 111.4.472, появляется ошибка "не удается установить защищенное интернет соединение". Никаких настроек антивируса и фаервола не изменял, просто в один момент перестала работать синхронизация.  Свободного места достаточно. Подозреваю, что это связано как-то с обновлением, которое было 4 декабря. 
Помогите решить проблему.


(Synchronization stopped working. Application version 111.4.472, the error "cannot establish secure Internet connection" appears. I didn't change any antivirus and firewall settings, just synchronization stopped working at one moment. There is enough free space. I suspect it has something to do with the December 4th update.
Help solve the problem.)

Explorer | Level 4
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I received an official reply from db team, they are on it, meanwhile for emergency sync they recomended the working beta update. It helped. 

Explorer | Level 4
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chi puo' aiutarci per favore?

Dropbox Staff
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Thanks for all your updates here everyone!


As I'm sure you've seen, this beta version of the desktop app has been suggested to resolve the issue for the moment while we look into this.


I've noticed a lot of mentions of using ESET too. In these cases, I can suggest checking to see if it's been set to exclude the Dropbox certificate within the "Ask about non-visited sites" mode.


Also, it would be worth ensuring that dropbox.exe is excluded from protocol filtering.


I'll be in touch here with any news on the topic, so please feel free to give me a nudge here too in the meantime!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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