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Re: Can't establish secure connection

Cannot establish a secure connection after dropbox update to 111.4.472

Helpful | Level 6
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After the dropbox app (Window 10) updates itself to the latest 111.4.472 version, I'm getting this 'Cannot establish a secure connection'.

I've checked my time on my laptop, router. It's fine. I've disabled firewalls and the whole Eset Security. I've checked my ports. Everything is fine. I've turned off the proxy setting inside app. Scanned my system for viruses, nothing fount. The only solution is to revert back to the older version, but if I do so, the app will update itself so I'm at the beginning.

440 Replies 440

New member | Level 2
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i have the same 


any one can help pls

Helpful | Level 5
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I am also in the same boat and all the "solutions" offered are not helping. Please help!!!!

New member | Level 2
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I am too

Helpful | Level 5
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Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that this is an issue with a Dropbox update?  My Dropbox was working perfectly one minute and the next all of a sudden it was all belly up and non-fuctioning.  It can't be an issue on my side.  Why would it work one second and then not the next?

New member | Level 2
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Guys I think I did it. I found this article : 

I followed it and as it seems it is working. Briefly, download an older version of dropobox, install it and that's all. 

Try this solution and let's see if that finally works!

New member | Level 2
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Did it worked to you? To me finally it didn't. It seemed to working at the beggining but finally the same error was shown again.

Any solutions?

New member | Level 2
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Since this morning Dropbox can't sync my files. I have an error message telling me "impossible to establush a secure connexion because the date and hour settings of your computer are incorrect" (sorry i don't know what the exact message is, it's in french for me)

i've try to uninstall / reinstall dropbox but no sucess. And my time and hour are fine in the PC and in bios.

i really need Dropbox to work today so it"s a big issue for me !


Helpful | Level 5
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I tried installing an older version of Dropbox, but it just told me I'm running an old version of Dropbox and need to download the new one.  It wouldn't even log me in.  :slight_frown:

Kevin Koorani
Explorer | Level 3
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i have the same 

it worked until 2 days ago and suddenly broke down

my drobbox version is 111.4.472

Helpful | Level 5
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@Kevin Koorani wrote:

i have the same 

it worked until 2 days ago and suddenly broke down

my drobbox version is 111.4.472


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