You might see that the Dropbox Community team have been busy working on some major updates to the Community itself! So, here is some info on what’s changed, what’s staying the same and what you can expect from the Dropbox Community overall.

Forum Discussion

StephPDX's avatar
Explorer | Level 3
5 years ago

I can't figure out how to tag in Dropbox.

Hi! I am getting familiar with Dropbox because one of my clients uses it. We need to organize files by both folders and tagging. I can't figure out how to tag. All of my searches indicated Dropbox didn't support tagging in 2014 (!), and then maybe some support for desktop app and/or photos. I can't find anything for 2019 or 2020 other than coder stuff. Anyone who is not a coder able to tag files in Dropbox with cloud version?

By the way, the forced labeling to submit this request doesn't make sense and there isn't a fit for files, folders, tags, or organizing so choosing all. 😞

Many thanks, Community and Dropbox suppport.

  • Hi everyone! Reut here from the Dropbox product team. It’s my pleasure to announce that tags are now available to all Dropbox users! To get started, on, just select one or more files and type a tag name in the righthand panel.
    As we continue working on tags, the product team and I would love to hear your feedback. Think tags are amazing, and just what you need? Feel that something’s still missing? Let us know here.
  • Fiona's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi StephPDX. Welcome to our Community! :grin:

    Tagging files is indeed not a Dropbox feature at the time, but we do have a few features that could help you note information on files and folders. 

    Want to make a folder defer from the rest and even tag people on it? Your answer is Dropbox Spaces. 

    :dividers: Introducing Dropbox Spaces

    Want to make a note to a file? comment on a part of a file and mention another user? 

    :dividers: Comment on Dropbox files. 

    I would love to have your feedback. Let me know if these features help you accomplish what you wanted.  

    Thank you!

    • michele44's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Hi! I had this same question. Tagging people with their @ may not work -- I'd like to be able to make files searchable by who created them by using a #, but not add to their workflow -- which is currently denoted by @ to call their attention. 


      Any ideas? Thanks!

      • Jay's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hi michele44, thanks for messaging the Community!


        Currently, there isn't a method to tag files on the Dropbox site, As to making it possible to search for who created a file, this isn't possible either.


        If you wish, you can suggest this change for others to vote on, so the dev team can look into this in future!

  • Kdillon's avatar
    Helpful | Level 6

    This is a feature in Box: And it's also a feature within Dropbox's own support forum. This is a no-brainer to add to Dropbox. We need to be able to both organize files into folders but also be able to tag files so they can be searched on multiple dimensions. Folders are too limiting because a file only exists in one folder, whereas a file may have multiple tags to search it by

    • Tinchohs's avatar
      Collaborator | Level 10

      I am absolutely with you on this. It's such a missed opportunity to not have tags in Dropbox. Any idea if this is being considered? Thanks. 

  • Reut V's avatar
    Reut V
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Hi everyone! Reut here from the Dropbox product team. It’s my pleasure to announce that tags are now available to all Dropbox users! To get started, on, just select one or more files and type a tag name in the righthand panel.
    As we continue working on tags, the product team and I would love to hear your feedback. Think tags are amazing, and just what you need? Feel that something’s still missing? Let us know here.