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Forum Discussion

Russ678's avatar
New member | Level 2
2 months ago

Files reverted to a version that's 6 months old.


I experienced the oddest situation.

Thursday 11.7.24 I opened and worked on 3 excel files which I work on EVERY month.

Saved them all of course when finished.

Today 2 days later 11.9.24 I go to pull one up and whaaaat?   All 3 files have May 2014 dates and data that only goes through April.

These files have been saved every month.  I know they have as I pulled them up 2 days ago and just added data.  Files had data

through Sept-24.

I checked version history, no help.

I checked activity, that does not even show them as being opened.

Another file I opened for the financial statements in a different directory did save properly.

This has really spooked me and I've lost all faith in DB.

Help please!

thank you, Russ

  • Update - for anyone reading this post.   Because the files in question were backed up to my Idrive, I looked more carefully and found them.  Not in the online dropbox folder.  But rather in a version called c:\users\russ\dropbox...   so apparently the only active folder in that was the one in question.  Other files were pulled from dropbox and updated their.  Thus the mystery of why dropbox showed no activity related to those files...   I do not know why there was such a directory on my local drive nor why some files updated there and some did not and this only after May (now November)  Confusing.  At any rate, I've deleted this folder.  Perhaps that will solve the issue.....

  • Russ678's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Well, good news for me!

    These recent files (even on my dropbox directory) were in fact backed up by my automatic daily backup to IDrive.....  Praise the Lord!   These are the latest files and the location they backed up from was the dropbox directory.

    Because they are there in my backup, this is evidence I had saved the files and to the dropbox directory.

    As stated in my original post, there is no evidence of this in the activity log and the existing files are 6 months old.  But just in that ONE directory........

    I do not use DB for collaboration.  I am the only user.  Its use for our organization is merely safety in case I kick the bucket.  Note - we do not have a company server.

    Now that my trust level of DB has hit zero, as I said earlier, I will work off my local drive now.  I was going to upload monthly to dropbox just for the sharing backup.  But I've decided to find a reliable file sharing solution.   What went wrong is for DB to figure out but wrong it indeed went......

  • Russ678's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Update - for anyone reading this post.   Because the files in question were backed up to my Idrive, I looked more carefully and found them.  Not in the online dropbox folder.  But rather in a version called c:\users\russ\dropbox...   so apparently the only active folder in that was the one in question.  Other files were pulled from dropbox and updated their.  Thus the mystery of why dropbox showed no activity related to those files...   I do not know why there was such a directory on my local drive nor why some files updated there and some did not and this only after May (now November)  Confusing.  At any rate, I've deleted this folder.  Perhaps that will solve the issue.....