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Forum Discussion

anoduck's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
3 years ago

`BadInputError: "No auth function for given request"` ...but I did.... So, what is happening?

It was working when I used the straight access token, but having to approve a new token every time the script was run was infeasible and irritating. So, I have migrated over to using a refresh_token, which has been successfully acquired and saved. Now I am attempting to test uploading file contents to a designated file in the box of drop-ness.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vassilios/Sandbox/orgzly-y-py/main.py", line 480, in <module>
  File "/home/vassilios/Sandbox/orgzly-y-py/main.py", line 471, in main
    dropbox_put(config['app_key'], config['dropbox_folder'],
  File "/home/vassilios/Sandbox/orgzly-y-py/main.py", line 389, in dropbox_put
    dropbox_upload(app_key, fullname, folder, name)
  File "/home/vassilios/Sandbox/orgzly-y-py/main.py", line 298, in dropbox_upload
    res = dbx.files_upload(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dropbox/base.py", line 3207, in files_upload
    r = self.request(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dropbox/dropbox_client.py", line 301, in request
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dropbox/dropbox_client.py", line 369, in check_and_refresh_access_token
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dropbox/dropbox_client.py", line 403, in refresh_access_token
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dropbox/dropbox_client.py", line 627, in raise_dropbox_error_for_resp
    raise BadInputError(request_id, res.text)
dropbox.exceptions.BadInputError: BadInputError('ba53047e1ac14efd97fac1e6ceea178f', '{"error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "No auth function available for given request"}')


The block of code generating the error should look very familiar to everyone, it is a stripped down and modified revision of the upload function from `updown.py` in the Dropbox repo. The biggest change in the function is removal of the unneeded call to `stopwatch`, and the addition of a request for new access token, which I "borrowed" from this forum. It is straight forward, which is why I am surprised to have received the error.


So here it is:


def dropbox_upload(app_key, fullname, folder, name, overwrite=False):
    """Upload a file.
    Return the request response, or None in case of error.
    config = ConfigObj(DBX_CONFIG_FILE)
    REFRESH_TOKEN = config['dropbox_token']
    with dropbox.Dropbox(
            oauth2_refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN, app_key=app_key) as dbx:
        path = '/%s/%s' % (folder, name)
        while '//' in path:
            path = path.replace('//', '/')
        mode = (dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite
                if overwrite
                else dropbox.files.WriteMode.add)
        mtime = os.path.getmtime(fullname)
        client_modified = datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime(mtime)[:6])
        with open(fullname, 'rb') as f:
            data = f.read()
            res = dbx.files_upload(
                data, path, mode, client_modified=client_modified, mute=True)
        except exceptions.ApiError as err:
            print('*** API error', err)
            return None
        print('uploaded as', res.name.encode('utf8'))
        return res


I have searched through the OAuth guide and the Python SDK for references to this error, and did not find anything. So, why is this not working?


(corrected formatting 10-17 3:00pm)

  • anoduck In addition to Здравко's note, make sure you're supplying all of the necessary credentials. I see you're currently setting a refresh token and app key. That would be sufficient if that refresh token was retrieved using PKCE, in which case the app secret isn't used. If PKCE wasn't used to retrieve that app key though, you need to set app_secret in addition to the app key and refresh token.

  • Здравко's avatar
    Legendary | Level 20

    Hi anoduck,

    One thing you can check is the correctness of you REFRESH_TOKEN. Print it out and check the value for proper formatting. There might be something different than the refresh token exactly or some additional symbols can appear (like extra quotes for instance).

    Good luck.

    • anoduck's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      This was my first thought on the matter as well, that maybe it is being passed as a string rather than as raw input, or perhaps it should be passed as string and not raw input, but the addition of a "str(...)" made no difference in the output.

  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    anoduck In addition to Здравко's note, make sure you're supplying all of the necessary credentials. I see you're currently setting a refresh token and app key. That would be sufficient if that refresh token was retrieved using PKCE, in which case the app secret isn't used. If PKCE wasn't used to retrieve that app key though, you need to set app_secret in addition to the app key and refresh token.

    • anoduck's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      That was it, needed to add the app_secret along with the app_key and refresh token in order to get proper authentication. Now, just working to clear up some file conflict errors.



      UploadError('path', UploadWriteFailed(reason=WriteError('conflict', WriteConflictError('file', None))



      Will have to do after taking care of puppy dog.


      AND, Done.