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5794 TopicsCreate new folder in existing Team Folder
Hi, I use a web site development program called Wappler which allows for the setup of API's It has a section for the URL of the API, JSON DATA and I can add headers. I used the default: https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/create_folder_v2 and added the headers: "Authorization: Bearer <my token here>" \ "Content-Type: application/json" \ and in the Json Data box I put: { "autorename": false, "path": "/Homework/math/{{$_POST.foldername}}" } This works OK and creates a folder from my form input to my home folder inside a folder called Apps> Homework/math/myfoldernamefrom form I want to create the folder in the team space so I added the Dropbox-API-Path-Root header and the value {".tag": "root", "root": "7"}, along with the following in the Json Data: { "path": "{{$_POST.foldername}}" } I know the 7 is just a sample and I have the details of my user ID, at the bottom is the root_info, with .tag, the root_namespace_id, the homespace_id and my home_path. What do/would I put in the Json Data to create a folder in team space called CompanyOne>FolderOne Many thanks for your helpSlow playback when streaming with AVPlayer
We’re building an iOS App that streams mp4 video files from DropBox. We use SDK’s getTemporaryLink method and feed the returned URL to AVPlayer(url: …). The streaming doesn’t start until after a few seconds/minutes depending on the size of the file. Same issue when opening this link in a regular Safari tab. When opening the file directly in Dropbox website the video plays fine.203Views1like16CommentsReceiving Too Many Mounts error even though I do not have more than 1500 folders.
My app uses the Dropbox API to create folders, upload files and share the folders and recently I started getting an error message about exceeding the tree size. After getting this I re-organized a bunch of folders so I no longer have more than 1500 folders within 1 parent folder. I am able to create and share more folders if done through the web interface, but it doesn't seem to work through the API even after moving folders around. I get the following response when calling the /sharing/share_folder endpoint. Is there something weird going on where Dropbox 'remembers' where a folder was when it was originally shared, and even though I've moved it, it still counts as a shared folder within it's prior parent folder? {"error_summary": "too_many_mounts/tree_size_exceeded/.", "error": {".tag": "too_many_mounts", "too_many_mounts": {".tag": "tree_size_exceeded", "limit": 1500, "current_count": 1500, "new_count": 1501}}, "user_message": {"locale": "en", "text": "Your Dropbox account has reached the limit for shared folders."}} <br />44Views0likes1CommentDropbox OAuth2 Issue: Scope Parameter Handling
According to OAuth2 Authorization documentation, the scope parameter is nullable, and as per RFC 6749, parameters without a value must be treated as omitted, with unrecognized parameters ignored. However, Dropbox's OAuth2 implementation returns the following error when the scope parameter is included: Error: "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "unknown field \"scope\"" This behavior violates OAuth2 standards, as unrecognized parameters should not cause a failure.180Views0likes9CommentsOTA update fails in CC3200
Hi All, We are using the Dropbox API to do an OTA upgrade. We have a webclient application running on the TI microcontroller CC3200. We are using the Drop Box API from 2017 onwards, and it is working fine. When we tested the OTA functionality yesterday, it was unable to receive the CDN file URL. It is able to receive the file information from Dropbox but is unable to get the temporary link from Dropbox. Do you know what is causing this issue? Is there any recent API upgrade that has failed to respond? Please help us to fix this issue ASAP. TI CC3200 logs: sl_extLib_OtaRun: call OtaClient_ConnectServer OTA server=api.dropbox.com OtaClient_ConnectServer: http_connect_server api.dropbox.com 0 OTA run = 0 sl_extLib_OtaRun: OtaClient_UpdateCheck, vendorStr=Vid01_Pid00_Ver0302100000 OtaClient_UpdateCheck: call http_build_request /1/metadata/auto/ CdnDropbox_SendReqDir: uri=/2/files/list_folder metadata file=/Vid01_Pid00_Ver0302100000/f80_sys_mcuimgA.bin, size=142888 sl_extLib_OtaRun: OtaClient_UpdateCheck, numUpdates=1 0 OTA run = 0 sl_extLib_OtaRun: OtaClient_GetNextUpdate: file=/Vid01_Pid00_Ver0302100000/f80_sys_mcuimgA.bin, size=142888 OtaClient_ResourceMetadata: call http_build_request /1/media/auto OtaClient_ResourceMetadata: file flags=80,metadata flags=80 CdnDropbox_SendReqFileUrl: uri=/2/files/get_temporary_link 0 OTA run = 0 sl_extLib_OtaRun: ResourceMetadata CDN file URL = f= CdnClient_ConnectByUrl: ERROR, http_extract_domain_by_url, status=-1 sl_extLib_OtaRun ERROR: Failed on CdnClient_ConnectByUrl 0 OTA run = -6 OTA run = -6 OTA: Error with OTA server Regards, Sundar11KViews0likes68CommentsI need to get all folders and nested folders within a team
Hi team! For an app we are making we need to access all folders and subfolders in a dropbox team. Just the folder names, however when calling. /2/team/team_folder/list Im only getting the top level folders, not getting the subfolders. And when calling 2/sharing/list_folders Im not getting any cursor as a response, just a list that includes around 5% of all my folders, even setting the limit to 1000 I dont get more than that. Do you know how to solve this? Thanks, Andres72Views0likes3CommentsRegarding the folder identifiers that are the same across users who share the folder
I need an identifier that will be the same across users who share the folder. After investigating "/2/files/list_folder" API, we were able to confirm the following: For folders for which a "shared_folder_id" can be obtained, the "id" values seen by each user are different but the "shared_folder_id" values are the same. For folders for which a "shared_folder_id" cannot be obtained (folders for which a "parent_shared_folder_id" can be obtained), the "id" values seen by each user are the same. Are the above findings guaranteed by the Dropbox API specification ? Thank you for your support.90Views0likes5CommentsWhat's the actual issue with Apple FileProviders API
I'm trying to reply to this post https://www.dropboxforum.com/discussions/101001016/dropbox-on-file-provider-support-for-macos-questions/781551/replies/783389 but in a dropbox fashion "Replies have been turned off for this discussion": billgdbx can you explain exactly what is the exact issue with the Apple FileProvider API for a software engineer? What exactly does "download-on-demand" mean compared to the download now button I see in macOS finder? When I briefly read the API docs, it seems like the API should be enough; however, I've read many blog posts mentioning that the problem lies with Apple and not with Dropbox/Google/Microsoft. All these posts are blanket statements without any technical details. I'm looking for the hardcore facts, not opinions. I want to know whether I should consider ditching apple? Or dropbox? If there is an issue at apple's side - I want to know what it actually is so I can make my own decisions rather than being treated like an idiot and a fool. In my experience, dropbox announces all breaking changes to customer as ultimatums without any true explanation. Now that I think about it... it is actually coming from disrespect and even contempt to your customers.33Views0likes2Comments