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download large file using browser fails before end

download large file using browser fails before end

jeff m.50
New member | Level 1

Using Firefox have downloaded 7.4GB of a 7.9GB file. Resume continues the process and shows the duration remaining but after a few minutes it stops again with message "Failed -". Have repeated this for many days with no improvement. The target folder shows <file-name>.part file with 7.49GB size. During the resume the <file-name> shows with zero size. Have tried with IE also but with similar results. Am downloading to a local drive to avoid any LAN issues.

Can anyone advise how to solve this problem and download the whole file please?


35 Replies 35

Gwyn G.
New member | Level 1

There definitely seems to be some sort of problem going on over the past few days with file transfers through the browser.  For several days, I haven't been able to upload any file larger than 1MB to my online folders, either through the advanced uploader or the basic uploader.  I very much doubt that it's an issue with my computer -- I have exactly the same internet speed now that I had in the past when Dropbox last performed as it should, I haven't noticed similar problems with other websites (since I'm able to download files from other sites), and I've performed a thorough tune-up on my computer (updated the operating system, updated the anti-virus software, scanned the computer for malware, cleared out the junk files, removed obsolete entries from the registry, defragmented the hard drive, etc.). I've submitted a help desk ticket to Dropbox but haven't heard back from anyone yet.

When I try to upload a file larger than 1MB, everything is fine for a couple of moments and the file seems to be uploading at a reasonable speed, but before it can finish uploading, the progress bar suddenly goes back to a much earlier period and the upload speed drops way down to the point that it initially says even a file just over 1MB will need more than ten minutes to upload (which is crazy, since that implies the upload speed has decreased to just bits rather than bytes per second).  After a couple of rounds of this, the updater quits and gives me an error message saying "something went wrong with the advanced uploader" (no...really???).  The basic uploader is no better -- it says that it's uploading the file but never finishes.  It's ridiculous for Dropbox to need more than half an hour to upload a file of only 1.5MB...even a dial-up could do better than that.

John S.65
New member | Level 2

Jeff, I'm having the exact same issue.  I have a large folder cut into 2 gig rar pieces. Where previously, I could download 4-5 files simultaneously, I now can't seem to have more than one downloading, and even then sometimes the single file download fails at some point in the download process. Sometimes I can resume the download, other times I hit resume and it starts the download from the beginning again.

I'm using firefox 42, and it says it's up to date. I changed virus scanners recently, so just to eliminate that from the equation, I completely disable my AV, but I still get the same errors.

I hope this gets fixed soon, as it's very annoying.


John S.65
New member | Level 2

Any update on this? I've tried chrome and have the same issue there.  Why is it so difficult to download a file through the browser?

Paul W.64
New member | Level 1

Had this problem for sometime. Have a 13gb vid file in my d online that I need to download. Download seems to work fine until 3-GB then fails repeatedly. Might have to get a refund and take my business elsewhere. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

Daniel S.126
New member | Level 1

How can we get an official response on this? I've just used 3gb of mobile data watching 3 attempts to download a 1gb file download the entire file then fail at the last minute. Repeated on another computer and another internet connection. I'm not in a position to be able to sync as I'm travelling and just had to format my linux laptop and that one zip file "backed up" to dropbox is my work environment.

Gwyn G.
New member | Level 1

I received an official reply to my help desk ticket on November 6 (nearly a week after I originally sent it) but frankly, I'm disappointed with the level of service I received. 

If anything, the first response gave me the impression that the technical support person actually hadn't paid much attention to what I originally wrote since one of the questions he asked me was "which files aren't syncing" even though my help desk ticket clearly stated that this was not a problem which involved their proprietary software application but rather one encountered using drag-and-drop to upload files through the browser.  (I tried using the application at one point but syncing files automatically is not a priority for me and I don't particularly want to keep most of these files resident on my system...that's what I have Dropbox *for*, to serve as a place to store files so that they're not taking up space on my hard drive.)

The follow-up response (which I received three days later in response to the answers I gave to his questions) was also disappointing since it implied that the problem could not possibly be related to Dropbox and must therefore be Firefox's fault.  He suggested that I clear the cache even though I'd already stated quite clearly in response to one of the questions from his first response that I'd subjected my computer to a fairly comprehensive tune-up -- which included emptying the internet cache (as well as updating the operating system and anti-virus software, scanning the computer for viruses, clearing the registry of obsolete entries, defragmenting the hard drive, etc.).  He also suggested disabling the plug-ins even though I had the same plug-ins installed on Firefox when Dropbox was still performing the way it was supposed to several weeks ago.  One of his final suggestions was basically "well, use some browser other than Firefox to upload files or else use our software application".

First of all, if his website is incompatible with a major (and popular) web browser like Firefox, most people would understandably interpret this as a problem which Dropbox ought to be taking steps to address rather than expecting other people to simply work around it.  Secondly, not everyone wants to use their application or would even benefit from doing so since a major feature of the application is that it (supposedly!) keeps files in the cloud automatically synced with files on the computer...but not everyone cares about that.  Some of us just want a place where we can store files that we don't use much or at all right now but might need or want later, files which we don't want taking up space on our hard drive.

Kevin B.3
New member | Level 1

I'm having the same problem.  2 failures over the last 4 days with 2 different files.  Yup, using Firefox.  I will try IE now I guess, even though I'm not a fan ...  Come on Dropbox, what's the issue here?  Seems like the fault is on your end.


Kevin B.3
New member | Level 1

IE isn't supported, guess I'll have to try Opera, or better yet, instead of Dropbox, I'll switch to Google Drive.


John S.65
New member | Level 2

I've tried FF, Chrome, and IE, all with the same error.  Trying to download more than one file at a time causes the first download to fail.  Pushing this back up to the top.


This was not an issue until a month or so ago, and multiple folks have tried different browsers. 


Dropbox, why should people keep their service with you if you can't fulfill your promised obligations?

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