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Re: download large file using browser fails before end

download large file using browser fails before end

jeff m.50
New member | Level 1

Using Firefox have downloaded 7.4GB of a 7.9GB file. Resume continues the process and shows the duration remaining but after a few minutes it stops again with message "Failed -". Have repeated this for many days with no improvement. The target folder shows <file-name>.part file with 7.49GB size. During the resume the <file-name> shows with zero size. Have tried with IE also but with similar results. Am downloading to a local drive to avoid any LAN issues.

Can anyone advise how to solve this problem and download the whole file please?


35 Replies 35

Kevin B.3
New member | Level 1

"Trying to download more than one file at a time causes the first download to fail. "


This isn't the case for me.  *Anytime* I try to DL a large file, it chokes.  Doesn't haven't anything to do with more than 1 file.


Stefan W.22
New member | Level 1

Seeing the same issue here.

3 users, tre different locations. 2 in sweden, one in india. Same symptoms. Are Dropbox people reading this? How do we get in contact with them?

Stefan W.22
New member | Level 1

Got a reply about this from their "support dept". The official word is that files over 1gb can not be downloaded? Surely this has worked before?


"You mention this is a file over 1GB. I apologize that the sentence in the previous email may not have been very clear in the limitations of web requests.

It isn't currently possible to download folders that contain more than 10,000 files or files that are larger than 1 GB via the web interface.

The best way to do so is by adding the files to your Dropbox and allowing them to download to your computer using the Dropbox desktop application."

Sidney: if you're reading this: i don't believe you.

John S.65
New member | Level 2

"Surely this has worked before?"

Oh, it's worked before, up until a month or two ago. At one point I've had 5-6 two gig files downloading at once, with no issue.


Kevin B.3
New member | Level 1

The 1G limit might be true.  I just successfully downloaded a 345M file to test.  But the files I've had problems with recently, all died about 1.4 to 1.6G.  Maybe no matter how big they are, greater than 1 G, it will download most of the file, but then die before it actually finishes.  See the very 1st post.

Greater than 1G used to work.  So they changed that ... without letting us know.  Definitely an added bothersome limitation!


Stefan W.22
New member | Level 1

Still, I had a user that managed to download a 1.77gb zip last week. I think something is broken and they're too lazy to fix it, or that their support guys simply never report anything to the dev people. 

Anastasios p.
New member | Level 1

having same issue: can't download large files of several gb. this is unacceptable. what if I am on the go somwhere and need access to something? I surely won't be upgrading to paid version if ths continues.

Dropbox!!: bring yourself together... you arn't alone in this business...

Super User II

you arn't alone in this business...

Isnt the free market brilliant? If it isnt working as you want it you are free to move to another service. Ta-da!


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Kevin B.3
New member | Level 1

Right.  When it's my choice, I use Google drive.  There are a lot of things about dropbox that I don't like, and changing the file size download limit without telling us is just one more.  Bad company, and poor service to their customers.  I might have become a paying customer, but not now ... 



Super User II

They have not changed the file size limit - in fact it was recently upped to 10 gb. Zipping has always been problematic over about 2gb or with many files/ folders (I believe 10,000 individual was the key). 

However, most of it relied upon your own internet being reliable. A single drop out and it failed. 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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