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Videos are choppy when I upload or download from Dropbox

Videos are choppy when I upload or download from Dropbox

New member | Level 2

Hi all, 


When I upload videos I've taken on my phone to Dropbox, they're completely choppy when I play them back in my synced Windows folder. When I play them back on Dropbox web version they're okay, but when I download them from there, they're choppy again.


They seem to be okay when I open them with Photos, but not Media Player. Regardless, if I then upload to Canva, they're choppy, and I need to be able to edit them specifically in Canva.


I desperately need a solution. I've seen that other people have had this problem too but I can't see any solutions offered. I'm viewing them as MP4 files. 




3 Replies 3

Dropbox Staff

Hi there @jules_moradi - sorry to hear you're having issues with this.


Have you tried using another media player or downloading and installing a codec pack for your media players on your computer?


Does it happen with only one video, some or all? How are you uploading them to your account in the first place?


Let us know more and we'll take it from there, Jules.

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New member | Level 2

Hi Walter, 


This happens to most but not all videos I upload. To upload them, I'm sharing them from Google Photos on my Google Pixel, to Dropbox. 


If the video uploads choppy, it shows regardless of which media player I'm using on my laptop (a Surface Pro). I don't know what a codec pack is - can you recommend something? Or are there settings on my camera app that would prevent this?




Dropbox Staff

Hi @jules_moradi, could you try uploading files directly created on your camera app to Dropbox via the Dropbox mobile app, instead of sharing via a third party app to see if this helps?

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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