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Removing Timeline from Photos - Terrible idea!

The Photos page is changing...

Darren S.1
Collaborator | Level 10
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I've just seen the banner that says "The Photos page is changing on 30 June 2017 but your pictures will stay safe in your Dropbox account. Learn more". The gist is that they are removing the final remants of the Carousel functionality - which makes me wonder what the point was in purchasing it in the first place:

"After that date, you’ll no longer be able to create or share albums on the web, or browse photos in the current timeline view. However, all your photos will remain safe in your Dropbox account."

Even funnier, it says:

"Creating a better photos experience

We’re continuing to work on new photos and file experiences on As we learn more about how our users prefer to work with photos, we’ll launch improvements to the experience."

With these changes there will be no photos experience that is any different to normal files. If they remove camera uploads, that would be the last straw for me and I'll be moving to a different service.

302 Replies 302

Collaborator | Level 9
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i've decided to prepre for a Google transistion for data and photos making it as painless as possible if I find the Dropbox change(s) to be unacceptable. With a service like this which I use every days on muliple devices even small changes matter a lot. I dumped Google Photos because I was not able to get my pictures to show up in a folder in Drive. Not many people seemed to care about that, but for me, and the way I work, that was a must. So a drastic change like this in Dropbox really freak me out since there a multiple ways it can go wrong for me. And that is also why some sort of beta test or demo would make it much easier for me, and others for whom this is a big deal. 

Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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This  summary is the problem


Ther is no solution ifor those of us that will have do download thousands of photos  already in albums and re sort them into folders. Only eeks and weeks of work. 

Dropbox should at least move our current albums into folders

Sarah N.6
Helpful | Level 5
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I am testing Flickr. They have a good uploader"Flickr Uploader" which will upload in existing folders. It does a duplicate check so you can avoid uploading duplicates which is really useful.  Their sorting/findinig function  "organize" for setting up new albums (without recopying the photos.) is much quicker and faster than the current dropbox service. You can also email photos to Flickr which can be useful. Have not yet had a chance to test the sharing and collaborative functions, but very mpressed so far. Has anyone else had experience of FlicKr?


M S.1
Collaborator | Level 9
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There is no replacement being roled out.  Why?


I don't believe it after all the lies before Carousel was killed "....integrate just like Carousel but in Dropbox...."  NEVER HAPPENED!



Dropbox has a serious trust issue.  I don't trust for one second they are going replace it.  If they were concerned they would have made the process less painful and dovetailed into a new format with a replacement ready to go.

New member | Level 2
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This is a terrible idea - what on earth is the thinking behind it?

The major reason we use Dropbox is for photo/image organisation and sharing (rather than files) and I use the timeline features multiple times every week...


"The new Photos page will sort photos chronologically and allow you to scroll through your photos. The speed scroller – the timeline on the right-hand side of the page that allows you to quickly view photos from a specific date – will no longer be available after June 30."

New member | Level 2
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I had only just moved from Google Photos too after they killed Picasa 😞  Now Dropbox is killing Albums. Maybe go back to good old Flickr although I guess that's about to die too 😞

Charles L.5
Helpful | Level 7
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The coyness with which Dropbox announced this change, and the lack of support for those who use albums (fortunately I am not among them) strongly smells like trying to put a happy face on a licensing or patent infringement issue. If not -- if they simply have made a decision to throw existing code, and with it all their photo users down the memory hole -- then they're just idiots. Either way, their messaging sucks.

M S.1
Collaborator | Level 9
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It's not only that.  If you want to share a video with someone ,the link no longer supports browser playback.  Just a download.   The videos won't play in the browser at all like they have been for years.  No warning given.


Charles L.5
Helpful | Level 7
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Very curious behavior, indeed.

Helpful | Level 6
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Hi Tom,


I had over 80 albums, some with over 1000 photos and videos, spread over many different directories. Also, my timeline in Dropbox Photos (the feature going away), has something like 40000 photos, I think. Many of the photos aren't in the proper place on the timeline, sometimes in "missing dates", which itself has thousands of photos in more or less random order, but also sometimes in actually totally wrong dates. This is because many of my devices don't seem to honor whatever date of creation Dropbox looks at. Or, in some cases, the photos were sent to me from people who did not set the time right on their device. Or, in some cases, I failed to set the time correctly by accident. Anyway, the result is that you are absolutely right, it is very difficult to go find all the individual photos in an album in many cases. 


I thought a simple but bandwidth intensive method would be to download the photos from the album page by selecting all, then downloading them, then uploading them. That can work well, but only if you have less than 1GB of photos and videos in the album. Otherwise, Dropbox will refuse to allow a download greater than 1GB. 


In the end, I had to tailor my strategy to each album, going through and finding some of the bigger videos (using "show in folder" feature in the album page to take me to the video in the dropbox files area) and copying them individually to a new directory. I generally made a copy of the album first, so that I could go through and delete each item from the copied album after copying that item to the new folder where the album is being recreated in Dropbox's file system. I then could probably download and upload most or all the photos in one shot, once the individual large videos had been moved. 


The process was very time-consuming in my case. It took me about 15-20 hours, which is less than I had estimated (perhaps more like 40 hours is what I had guessed), but it did take a good long time.


I am still wondering why Dropbox couldn't at least provide a "copy to Dropbox folder" function in their album area. I believe this would alleviate many of us with a large investment in albums and photo features in Dropbox.


Also, I am not sure about this at all and would much appreciate a Dropbox employee making a definitive statement, but I believe that if you create multiple copies of a file in different directories, as long as you don't modify them in any way, the extra copies may not count against your quota. I believe Dropbox chunks its files into 4MB chunks, and if other files have the same exact chunks, they won't increase your space usage. I don't know if this is true, but I thought I read that somewhere. Anyway, if Dropbox could comment on that, it might alleviate some of the concerns about big data usage increases from having multiple albums with same pictures implemented as folders in Dropbox, which I've read here and there.


Meanwhile, I plan to continue to use Dropbox for storage of my photos. I may even construct albums as folders in many cases going forward. However, I think that the message Dropbox has sent is that we should use photo-specialized sites for things like albums and photo sharing, and use Dropbox only for storage as their focus. I am therefore using flickr for now. I have discovered that multcloud will allow me to transfer via the cloud (and it is quite fast if you use their premium service) from Dropbox to Flickr albums. It is very finnicky, but if you set up your multcloud properly, you can copy (very lightly tested at this point, but did transfer an album with 400 photos and videos successfully as well as a few more small ones, so read with huge grain of salt) an entire folder in Dropbox (containing only photos and videos) into Flickr's album subdirectory on multcloud. This seems to have created an album in Flickr with the same content. This seems promising to me. Flickr should be very good for photo sharing functionality and has a number of useful editing and management tools. One that I really found useful is a batch way of changing the "creation date", which should alleviate some of my worst problems with devices that put wrong dates on photos and videos.


I hope you find this useful. I am done converting my albums in Dropbox to folders after 15-20 hours. From here on out, I'll still keep the photos and videos in Dropbox and often create folders that are essentially "albums" in Dropbox. However, I will most likely immediately transfer the folders or the photos and videos to Flickr to implement any further sharing and organization into additional albums or "collections" or whatever on Flickr. Sigh.

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