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Re: The Photos page is changing Chapter 2 UNSOLVED please post here

The Photos page is changing...

Darren S.1
Collaborator | Level 10
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I've just seen the banner that says "The Photos page is changing on 30 June 2017 but your pictures will stay safe in your Dropbox account. Learn more". The gist is that they are removing the final remants of the Carousel functionality - which makes me wonder what the point was in purchasing it in the first place:

"After that date, you’ll no longer be able to create or share albums on the web, or browse photos in the current timeline view. However, all your photos will remain safe in your Dropbox account."

Even funnier, it says:

"Creating a better photos experience

We’re continuing to work on new photos and file experiences on As we learn more about how our users prefer to work with photos, we’ll launch improvements to the experience."

With these changes there will be no photos experience that is any different to normal files. If they remove camera uploads, that would be the last straw for me and I'll be moving to a different service.

302 Replies 302

New member | Level 2
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If only there was a way for Dropbox to make easily created and shared photo albums without the need to create directories and copy photos needlessly between mutliple directories if you want the same photo in multiple albums. Or, we could just keep the photos page as is and not enact the proposed changes that will take place in June. 

Helpful | Level 6
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I think Dropbox has washed their hands of this thread because it is marked as solved. Should a new one be created that is not marked as solved?

Simon J.6
Helpful | Level 6
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I have over 14000 photos stored in Dropbox using the Camera Upload feature. I stopped using Flickr, because Dropbox provided the really simple Albums feature. I have shared 45 albums with family members.

The two methods proposed for migrating Albums are not good enough. Both are labour intensive manual processes. One creates duplicates of files. The other would require me to find specific album items from a folder with 14000 photos.

However, the bigger concern is the way this is being done. Surely looking at analytics would show you that customers are using it. Instead of providing a smooth migratory path to new and better functionality, this is taking a step back and all the effort is on the part of the customer.

Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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In case you are right,.  I am going to start a new trhead with the Title "The Photos Page is Changing Chapter 2.  UNSOLVED" Lets see if that gives it any more attention as it appears Dropbox have stopped replying to peoples questions in this thread. Also if anyone knows any journalists or has time to contact any of their local tekkie magazines/sonsumer magazines/ please try and get this some publicity as we need all the help we can get as sadly to date Dropbox have not proveded a satisfactory work around or any kind of solution.  

Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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There is already a discusstion with the same titiel, however as it has been marked as "Solved" by Dropbox it is no longer getting any replies or attention from Dropbox despite several recent comments and questions. 


A few people have questioned that this is because it is marked by Dropbox as "Solved" and so I have started this thread. Please can Dropbox either mark the original thread as Unsolved, and if not, allow this ne to continue until it is.


This is the link t the original thread



Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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Please not this is NOT a solution and it is not accepted by people posting on here. Please look at the most recent comments page 9. This should not be marked by DROPBOX as "Solved" because it is definately not solved. One of your clients has 10000 photos you are asking him to download manually and then re sort into albums. This is crazy. The MINIMUM dropbox should offer is to transfer exisiting albums into the new folders. Expecting your clients to stop what they re doing and make a full time job downloading and re uploading their saved albums is not reasonable and is definately not a solution. 

Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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This thread has been marked by DROPBOX as SOLVED!

Sarah N.6
Helpful | Level 5
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Please share the link to your new UNSOLVED page. Every thread on  this topic seems to have been folded into this so called solved page!

@Simone C.9 wrote:



Simone C.9
Collaborator | Level 9
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@Sarah N.6 wrote:

Please share the link to your new UNSOLVED page. Every thread on  this topic seems to have been folded into this so called solved page!

@Simone C.9 wrote:




Sarah N.6
Helpful | Level 5
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I have around 10,000 photos. I use the album function to send bespoke photos to clients. Dropbox's "solutions" means that I will have to copy photos each time to a new album. There is no clarity about how we will be able select the photos easily. Crucially it means that certain "key photos" will be copied hundred of times into different bespoke albums. I am currently looking at Flickr - does anyone have any experience with other options?


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