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Forum Discussion

adrian29630's avatar
Helpful | Level 5
2 years ago

Why is my account out of space?

As seems to be the case these days with many "Apps" they want you to buy their product but don't deliver support and want to rely on "Communities". In other words free assistance from other users which costs them nothing but for me at least puts me off ever paying for any of their products!


Now the reason I wanted support.  I was asked to "share" on a Dropbox account. Not my account but someone who asked me to assist in uploading a large quantity of documents in a short space of time.  As far as I am concerned this had and should not have had any involvement with my Dropbox account.  I did not add anything to my account, all the uploads went direct to the Dropbox shared folders.


Now, I constantly receive notifications that my Dropbox is full and that I am Using 34.38 GB of 2 GB space.  How ridiculous is that!!!!! They are trying to sell me more storage when I do not need storage and none of the uploaded files should be in my Dropbox.


I want this resolved. I want my Dropbox cleared of files that should not have ever been added to them.


That's why a support access should be provided to enable faults to be rectified. Some hopes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jay's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi adrian29630, you can leave the shared folder from your account, or remove your access to it completely, by following these steps


    It won't affect other users who are currently members of the shared folder.

  • Mark's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    Hi adrian29630 


    I'm afraid that is how Dropbox works - any file in your account uses your quota regardless of if the other person paid or not. There is nothing to fix here - its how it works. 


    If you need to just upload things to people and not edit ask them to send you a Dropbox Requests link instead. 

    • adrian29630's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5

      They sent me a request to share THEIR Dropbox in which they have more than adequate storage for the files they wanted in their dropbox. Nothing to do with me or my DropBox account.  I had access to theirs and I uploaded files directly to their account. So there was no reason for there to be any files in my account. It was as if I had no account personally but was authorized to use the shared account.


      That is what is so ridiculous with this situation. None of the files are mine. None were added to my Dropbox they went straight into the shared account set up to receive them.  I am pretty sure under normal circumstances if I had exceeded my limit I would never have been able to 34.38 GB when my limit is 2GB

      • Megan's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hi adrian29630, I'd be more than happy to help! 


        Just so we can clarify if they shared folders with you, or a file request, could you possibly check the email you received, in order to upload content to their account? Did it look something like that?


        If you could share a screenshot with me, that'd be amazing. (Just make sure none of your personal info is shown there)


        While you're at it, can you also send me a screenshot of your account plan page, so we can have a look into this too?

  • dougkepple's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3

    DROPBOX needs to rectify this.  The issue likely lies with space issues in the  physical hard drive files.  There is supposed to be a way to make dropbox online only.  All of the information and videos I found were all irrelevant.  DROPBOX: Please post a response relatable and up-to-date instructions today so we can access THE STORAGE SPACE WE ARE PAYING FOR!!